Are You An Athlete? Do You Know These Facts About Anabolic Steroids?
The existence of anabolic steroids, and the fact that athletes like to use them, is common knowledge. In any event, it’s worth keeping in mind that each of the varied types of steroids acts upon an individual in it’s own unique fashion. Aside from use in the sports industry, many steroids have been developed solely for medical use. The adrenal glands are located on top of the kidneys and one of their functions is to secrete hormones, among them the fat soluble chemical compounds known as corticosteroids. An industry has been created around the synthetic production of specific types of steroids that are identified as being commercially viable. Synthetic steroids are a broad group and have been sub-divided into androgenic steroids, corticosteroids, and anabolic steroids.
Clenbuterol is commonly found being used among high performing bodybuilders and athletes. Since CLEN burns body fat, it consequently lowers the BMR (basal metabolic rate)of the person taking it. This causes the body to burn more calories with less work. CLEN works to reduce the muscle-to-body-fat ratio in the body by acting upon the receptors that discharge fat cells. Once that is achieved, then those newly released fat cells can be metabolized as fuel for energy and weight loss. Since it is a bronchodilator, CLEN is used by veterinarians worldwide to treat horses for allergic respiratory disease. A lot of countries have now banned the use of CLEN for animals that will be eaten by humans, but there is still wide-spread use of CLEN in some countries for this purpose. However, this substance is not sanctioned or approved for use within the US by veterinarians. Practically since it was introduced, this drug has been in demand by members of the sports community. Anabolic steroids will produce androgenic effects, and there is no escaping that fact. There are pluses and minuses to using androgens or testoids, but athletes seem to take this in their stride. Body builders are drawn to androgen use because of their ability to increase muscle mass due to the fact that they stimulate protein production. One of the drawbacks, however, for men who use androgens, is that they interfere with the male’s reproductive system’s normal functioning. Women can experience growth of the clitoris and irregularities of menstrual cycles.
The androgenic action in Boldenone is mild, but it is still a highly anabolic steroid. One of the features of Boldenone is that it can trigger protein synthesis in the muscle cells, which is the method cells use to build protein. Other ways an athlete can benefit by the use of Boldenone is increased nitrogen retention and a better appetite. Boldenone was meant to work in the same manner as Dianabol (D Bol) but with longer staying-power in the body. Unfortunately, Boldenone did not live up to the expectations of it’s developers. It’s effect was not as high as was hoped. Boldenone is contre-indicated for any athlete subject to drug tests. This anabolic steroid has a long metabolic half-life and, even months after discontinued use, trace amounts can be found in an athlete’s blood.
However, some of the types of anabolic steroids – as well as those in other classes – haven’t really exhibited any positive therapeutic benefit to the user. When a steroid fell into this category – no therapeutic use – it was banned from being manufactured and used.
Nevertheless, exhibition and model bodybuilders, for example, can still get advantageous results from the use of these steroids. It’s either feast or famine as to the documentation one can find on these various substances. Some of them have had major research and are well-documented, while others have had their research cut off before it was anywhere near done. From time to time it will become apparent that it is no longer plausible, or even worth the time and trouble, to continue to waste time doing research on steroids that are not widely available.
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