Pigeon Control Dallas: The Best Methods For Keeping Your Home Bird Free

Pigeons are more than just an eyesore. Having an infestation can lead to home and automobile damage and can even spread diseases. However, getting rid of these pests can be very difficult. Fortunately, when it comes to pigeon control Dallas has many different options.

One of the easiest ways to discourage pigeons from roosting around your home or business is simply to remove their favorite spots. Cover any openings to garages or attics, and block off any small nooks or other areas they may nest. You can also use special anti-roosting spike strips for open areas like gutters or roofs. These spike strips are small but make the space uncomfortable enough that pigeons will not roost there.

Similarly, there are a variety of chemicals designed to be sprayed on homes or other buildings. These chemicals are usually sticky, which the birds do not like, and can be purchased at any home or garden store. The downside is that they will need to be reapplied often. These products may also cause damage to certain materials and may be bad for the environment.

Frightening pigeons away is also an effective deterrent. Large fake owls are a popular method. The effectiveness of the model birds varies, but they can scare away some pigeons. Reflective surfaces such as mirrors or foil can also act as a deterrent to birds, but those can also be more of an eyesore. It can be difficult to find a visual deterrent that does not also stand out to human visitors.

Behavior modification is another option. This is basically training the pigeons that a particular roost is undesirable, just like you might train a dog to stay off the couch. The easiest way to do this with birds is simply to spray them with the hose when you see them. Unfortunately this is a short term solution and requires a significant time commitment.

Recent advances in technology have provided some of the best solutions to a bird problem. One popular method is an ultrasonic device. These devices are growing in popularity. They work by providing a constant high frequency noise that is inaudible to humans but that animals can hear and will stay away from. These systems may not be a good choice for homes with pets as dogs and cats may be able to hear them. Ultrasonic systems also work best indoors, so may be a good choice for a garage or attic with a pigeon infestation.

Another increasingly popular deterrent is a system which provides a small electric shock to the bird. These systems are designed for indoor and outdoor use, and have a low visual impact. They are carefully calibrated not to harm the birds, but to make them mildly uncomfortable so they will choose another roost. This makes them an excellent choice for someone concerned about animal welfare and environmental problems.

With so many options on the market currently, any home or business owner can find the best option to fit their needs. Dallas pigeon control can be difficult, but it is not impossible. By trying these methods, any property can stay pigeon free.

Are you looking to find more information on the most cost effective guaranteed Pigeon Control Dallas? Visit our website to find out more!

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