Importance of having a website for your business – Get a Business Website, absolutely FREE

We are in the digital age. However, I still come across many small business owners

who have no web presence for their businesses. Well if you are one of them, then

my friend, you are not excused for sheer laziness. Having an online presence has

become extremely important for businesses for any size. These days, you do not

have to wait to get a website for your business. I can only think of the following

reasons, of not having your own website.

You are constrained by budget i.e. the cost of registering for a domain and the

cost of getting a website built is way too much for your business.

You just don’t want extra business.

Well there is not much I can do to help you if you fall in the later category.

However, what if I told you that you could get a FREE website for your business.

Yes you read it correctly, you can get your business a website, absolutely FREE –

no strings attached.

First let me explain you why is it so important for your business to have a

website. Here are some quick reasons, why you should get a website TODAY itself.

Yes, please don’t go to sleep, before you get one, remember it’s absolutely free.
It just makes it easier for your clients to find you. And being a business, this I

guess is the most important reason. The easier you can make it for your client to

find your business offering, the better it is for your business.

Wouldn’t you want your business to stay open even when you are sleeping?

Have what you offer on display 24/7. Display you complete business catalogue

online for FREE.

Find prospective clients, the ones that don’t walk in your office everyday.

Look professional, there is an old saying, fake it, till you make it. So have your

business look professional and hey don’t ever use a Hotmail email address on your

business card either. There are many more reasons, why you should have a website,

but this article is more about how you can get a FREE website for your business.

With so many options to chose from and so many programmers offering to build your

business website, it can be overwhelming what to choose and who to choose. Well my

solution is very simple, Do It Yourself, that’s right a DIY website, which looks

professional, is professional and has every possible web feature that a small

business needs to have an online presence.

Google Sites is your answer. Google sites will give you all the tools for a clear,

complete concise website for your business. Google Sites are part of the Google

Apps Suite & offer tools to build a DIY website, absolutely FREE. You do not need

any programming knowledge to build your business website, FREE of cost. To find

out more about Google Sites and how to setup a FREE website for your business,

visit provides free software tips,free tech support,software tutorials

free,information technology solutions,free software solutions, Google Apps

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