Making the most of your content with an article spinner

When it comes to online marketing, content is king! The more content the better. Whether its for your own website, article marketing or even for giving away as an ebook. The problem is that writing fresh content every time you need a new piece is very time consuming and could result in you writing dozens or even hundreds of the same piece of content. Using the best spinner will help you to turn one quality article into hundreds!

An article spinners allows you to use your original article and select alternative words or phrases which can then be switched at random to create “spun” articles. This creates hundreds of different pieces of content which are unique enough that your readers won’t recognise it, but will have the same meaning.

There are lots of negative reviews about spinning articles and even using spun content for your content. However most of the reviews come from users that have not put the time into using the tools properly, or have tried some cheap software which doesn’t work properly.

The problem is that most people think they will be able to import an article from the internet, click a couple of buttons and end up with hundreds of unique variations of the article. This will not happen! Automatic spinners have a thesaurus which they use to find the “best” alternative for the words and phrases in the article.

For example, if we translate the phrase “The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog” it may come out as “The Fast Brunette Fox Leaps Above The Idle Puppy”. This is still correct and still makes sense to the reader. However, the software may have spun it as “The Sudden Tanned Animal Increases More Than The Sluggish Animal” which would be difficult for the reader to understand.

By reviewing every variation by hand you can ensure that only sensible variations have been used which would prevent any poor quality spins being produced. This will ensure that the content that is created will still make sense when the reader is reading it.

Rather than just spinning words together, you should also try to spin sentences and paragraphs together in order to try and make your articles more unique. Each variation needs to be different enough that the user doesn’t realise they are reading the same content, but still have the same meaning.

The article spinners are created to be a quick way of selecting variations of different words and phrases within the article which can then be randomly selected to create unique articles. The problem with automatic spinners is the content that they generate is full of grammatical and spelling errors and will make very little sense to the reader. The best spinners are not created to be used as one click spinners, but instead require you to put in some extra time and effort to create a spun article that will allow you to generate hundreds of quality articles.

Most internet marketers will have their own opinion on which is the best spinner. Most have a free trial so you should try a few out and pick the best one for you.

As with most software available, it is simply a tool to help make the job of writing online marketing unique content easier it will not do the job for you.

While marketing a variety of sites online, including international bespoke conservatory manufacturers and luxury christmas hampers websites the author has tested several article spinners to try and find the best spinner. After reviewing several pieces of software he now uses “The Best Spinner” to create content for a variety of online marketing techniques.

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