Tips For a Better Sleep With Snoring Aids
Many people suffer from sleeping disorders which not only bother them but the people sleeping besides them too. In many cases the use of anti snoring devices, such as snoring aids can be very useful. There are several things you may try first before buying any devices. There are simple things that may help and are inexpensive.
The first thing is to sleep on your side. Most people sleep on their back or looking down. This puts pressure on the chest which causes the lungs to have difficulties getting enough air. This makes the person open his or her mouth to breath and produces the snoring as the air passes through the esophagus.
Snoring is a characteristic of people who are overweight or have sinus problems. Overweight people tend to sleep looking up to the ceiling, their stomach forces to sleep like this. When they are in that position, the weight from their stomach puts pressure on the base of the lungs compressing them so air does not flow freely into them.
It is easier to inhale through the mouth than through the nose because of the greater space so the natural reaction is to open the mouth to breathe. The same thing happens when a person suffers from allergies or sinus problems. The nose clogs and the airways constrict. He or she is forced to breathe through the mouth to get enough air.
If you are one of these people it is important that you take your medication on time so when you go to bed your noses and sinuses are clear and you breathe properly. These are small things that you can try before buying snoring aids to get a better sleep and allow your wife or husband to get a better sleep too. Making sure that your pillow allows free air passage is also important.
It is always better to sleep without a pillow but if you need it make sure it is not too high. The position of your neck is important with regards to your ability to breath. If these do not work ask your doctor about the use of anti snoring devises, such as snoring aids to correct this situation.
I am a regular contributor on snoring issues, and have recently reviewed a number of snoring and sleep apnea devices on my website. These include the Goodknight CPAP machine and accessories like the cpap hose, which can be purchased in many configurations to make your cpap therapy for comfortable.