3 Top Secret Remedies For Insomnia And Sleep Troubles
If you are stuck on the sleeping pills yet wish to locate a new cure for your insomnia, then you’re in luck. Underneath here are three natural ways to cure insomnia which will have you sleeping better and longer than you thought possible. These potent cures for insomnia will prove to you — once and for all — that sleep aids are only for dummies.
Overcome Sleeplessness With These 3 Natural Insomnia Remedies…
1. Having a hot bath with sleep inducing oils is a very effective method to acquire insomnia relief. Just add the oil to the water — almost any herbal bath oil will do (valerian, passionflower, lavender, roseflower, etc) — and relax in the tub. The aroma, combined with the tranquilizing effect the oil has on your skin, will quickly relax you and allow you to get more comfortable. Once you get out of the tub (about 15 minutes later), a powerful sensation of tiredness should crash over you like a wave. The instant your face hits the pillow, you will be out like a light — I promise.
2. Everybody knows deep massages are relaxing & therapeutic, yet what a lot of people don’t know is just how helpful deep massages can be for easing insomnia troubles. A good massage (with added natural massage oils) will release your tension and stress like a pressure valve. Combine that with the smell from the herbal oil or herbal candles and you’ll be sleepy before you know what hits you. Massage treatments remain to be one of the most efficient natural insomnia treatments around. That being said, if you cannot get your partner to give you even a LIGHT massage prior to going to sleep, then give some thought to investing in a massage therapy tool or even a massage chair.
3. When it comes to utilizing natural insomnia cures, the combination cure of herbal tea & sleeptracks is the reigning champion. Why are these two individual treatments combined as one? Well, that’s simple. While these techniques are both effective all by themselves, they are MASSIVELY effective when used together. Individuals immediately realize that by using this insomnia cure “combo”, they fall into deep sleep without any problems and wake up completely refreshed & energized.
Essentially, prepare a cup of your favorite insomnia herbal tea (chamomile, valerian, passionflower, etc.) and head off to bed while consuming it slowly. After the tea is drunk, put in your sleeptrack CD/tape/mp3, turn it up, and then slide into bed. The tea should calm your body & nerves and encourage a strong sensation of sleepiness in you, while the sound waves from the sleeptrack will try to get your brainwaves on a more natural beat to help you sleep. Herbal teas may be purchased from local grocery stores or supplement stores, while a sound sleeptrack will have to be bought from an online specialty website.
As you can clearly see, these natural insomnia treatments are a much better way to cure insomnia than taking sleeping aids each night. If you do not believe that, well, then perhaps you are a great big dummy!
Want more information on how to deal with the dangerous effects of sleep deprivation? Well, whether its cures, sleep deprivation symptoms, or just general information about sleeping problems, SleepTracks.org has you covered.