the indelible lesson from a blind man
i havn’t thought i will register and try to write something, because im always very busy ,i have to pay a lot of attention and time on studying the knowlledge what i need, i don’t think i can find some free time out to do it,however now i desire to express the experience of my lifestyle,just like i said in the homepage,maybe you could find out something useful and maybe you will also find shared the same dreams and ever did the same thing i did. although ,we all did the same things,but it is impossible we are in the same condition when we did the same things. so from my experience you can cathch different meanings. and i also hope you can share your idea. anything is varies from person to person.
i readed a story is very worthy,it said :
when the writer met a blind man was climbing a tower, he became pulled he wondered what he will do,he think he could not be for the view ,because he is blind man, he can’t enjoy the view.the writer thinked of a terrible reason—-he wants to jump. thinking of this he decided to follow the pififul man. the writer looked the man how to kept close to the wall,and pay all attentiong to him,he was fraid something happen.when the blind man got to the first corner of the tower,the writer approached the blind man and said politely:” excuse me sir,but i am very curious to know why you came up?”
“you’d never guess”the blind man answered
“not the view ,or the fresh air?”
‘no “the blind man said
” can you tell me?”the writer asked
the blind man said “i just want to realize how the sun pours into the tower through the windouw here and there ,so one can feel the cool steps suddenly become quite warm, even in winter. but behind the wall there is shade. there is no place so good as this for feeling the contrast between light and darkness. though i ‘m blind i also want to feel the happiness brought by the sunlight.”
i like this story very much, i don’t only look it as a story,i look it as a lifestyle of the blind man,i know everyone has the way to the happiness from this story, and i also realized i should treasure what life has given us, because i don’t only have eye ,but also i have others designer handbag imitation.i have ever given service to the children who mental is paralysis at a woukhouse for two weeks,those children let me understood a lot of things about life and the world. they are unable to be independent,but they still own the their life, you can see a smilling from the photo ,don’t you? they didn’t become lesshappiness!those days for me is speciall,sometimes i think if i were him, what would i have done? everytime when i accampany the child to do Recover Practice,their willpower impact my heart deeply,though they are unable speak .they have a desire that to be a normal person,no different from us,they keep hard tring for their drems,but in fact the rate they recover is very low,nearly impossible! they haven’t money,but they haven’t substance dificiency,they can’t speak like us, but they also can communicate to each other in their way.
the value of people isn’t rely on what you own, it rely on who you are.everthing is help people to living and to become a happiness life and to be freedom. if something prevent you to be freedom, it should throw away,it shouldn’t be used.
God made world for human,don’t made human for subtance world.
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