Best Anti Aging Creams – Why Botox Pales In Comparison

Think that botox injections are the best anti aging treatment there is? Well, you’re wrong. That is not my opinion either, that’s REALITY. Botox treatments can not even overcome the best antiaging creams in efficiency. What about cost & safety? Just a couple more aspects that botox LOSES to the best anti aging creams.

Is there anything else that proves anti aging creams are better than botox injections? Regrettably for botox pushers, yes! The list of “disadvantages” for botox treatments is as long as it is infuriating, and here is a quick part of that list for you to examine. If these 6 lousy facets of botox treatment do not persuade you that it’s a Bad solution — and that the best anti aging creams are a better choice — then nothing will!

– Unlike most anti wrinkle creams, which may be used on any facial area, botox may only be used on remarkably restricted parts of your face. Only a small 5% of our faces is treatable with botox.

– One of the biggest drawbacks of this treatment method is the itsy-bitsy fact that you are actually being injected with an a dangerous toxin. This is not a “metaphor” or a “harsh comparison” — it’s fact. Botulinum is what you’re being treated with. What is botulinum, you wonder? Well, it just happens to be one of the planets most dangerous bacterial neurotoxins, that’s all.

– Soon after having botox treatments, it is possible that the skin next to the treated area may actually end up being more wrinkled.

– When botox becomes a part of your annual age reversing routine — this means you obtain an injection every 4 to 7 months — nerve and skin damage becomes a potential risk.

– Motion wrinkles is the only sign of age that botox helps with. The rest — eye bags, sun damage, eye wrinkles, discoloration, age spots, etc. — will stay untouched. The top anti aging creams will remove ALL signs of age, not just one.

– The cost is what seriously brings botox down to the grade of “idiotic” treatment. Why? Because it will cost you between $700 and $900 for an injection and every injection only lasts about 3-5 months; 6 months max. That means you’ll probably be shelling out $1500 to $2500 annually just to SLIGHTLY decrease wrinkles. Such an idea (no matter what your budget might be) is pure nonsense.

If these truths aren’t enough to at least cause you to THINK ABOUT switching over to the best anti aging cream, then be my guest, keep on throwing away hard earned money every year to have a “doctor” inject poison into your body. I’m sure nothing will go wrong with that plan.

For more advice about natural, fast acting wrinkle cream, not to mention how to test-drive the best wrinkle creams for free, head over to, an informative website specializing in helping women understand how to remove and defend against wrinkles and signs of age.

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