A Overview On Bio Bank
In medical science there is a very huge change with the growth of bio bank. The samples of living species are collected and stored for the research purposes. The samples are maintained in good condition and they are stored in way that it is used for future discoveries. Some samples have a long life and some few gets destroyed in short period. When the samples are brought into the bio bank the immediate process is working on the details and specific features of the samples. The details and important events noted are saved in the database with identification of sample ID number for each sample. This is an easy process for sample tracking. The tracking of samples is important as it helps to have an immediate look of the details whenever the clients and other individual certified researcher require it. The aliquots are also noted down with the details. The frequent temperature tracking is done in biobank as to check out the condition and position of the samples. The tracking of samples is send through online when the clients request for details. The details in the database are useful at any time. In biorepositry the storage process is done with great care as all the samples are more valuable and it is also used for future purpose.