What Kind of Things to Have in Your Purse ?

What makes a woman carries in her purse? This is a topic of interest and curiosity of many. The answer to this question really does not know the owner of the bag! The reason for this is simple, usually have little time to organize our bag every day, so what ever we think is important, or do not have anywhere else, is dumped in the bag! Every woman experiences frustration when there is a simple thing like a pencil, but can not find a place of pen and ink eraser in place! This unwanted irritation easily avoided by adding all the things mentioned in the list of things you have in your portfolio.

What do you have in your portfolio?

The following are the things they always have in your portfolio, most of these things are needed most days and the rest are useful in an emergency.

1. Required Medications: Medications such as painkillers, bandages, a small bottle of antiseptic, etcsiempre should be in the bag like everyone else, including yourself, who should be in any time. Especially drugs like aspirin are very useful when an irritating headache explodes just before an important meeting! Along with these drugs, also have important medical information written on a card as someone can get help in case of an emergency.
2. Notepad and pen, We face many cases every day struggle to find a better paper and pen to write something. Generally based on mobile data storage, but remember that cell phone battery can be overcome! This will also save you the embarrassment of asking foreigners for a pen!
3. The Swiss Army Knife: A Swiss Army Knife is an amazing multipurpose tool that not only has a single sheet, but also a pair of pliers, can opener, toothpick, nail file, scissors, tweezers, etc all these things are needed almost daily, so instead of carrying them separate or borrow, take this little tool.
4. Physical Needs: Grooming: Any woman strives to find new and presentable at all times. So bring beauty products to help you do it. These things are, brush, moisturizer, lip gloss, compact, perfume, deodorant, wipes etc is a better idea to take at least two shades of lipstick, with the help of which you can directly go sneak into a party after work !
5. Purse: Still a big bag you have, it is advisable to carry a wallet to keep your money. Speaking of money, carrying a large amount of cash or credit cards is not entirely safe. So rather than keep some money, about $ 20 in your emergency bag, along with a traveler’s check, and can not be used without his signature and can be easily replaced if lost.
6. Safety Pins & Fasteners: Although it may sound strange, carry safety pins and the tail is a smart choice. broken sandals, zip code, all buttons can be temporarily fixed with the help of a safety pin or glue. You do not have to worry about any malfunctioning of these little things!
7. Cell, charger, flashlight, I do not think that someone who never forgets his cell phone, however, is one of the most important things to have in your portfolio. Along with the cell, they also carry mobile charger in case of battery discharge. Carry a flashlight is not required, however, can come handy at times.
8. Snack: Always carry a healthy snack like an energy bar or nut in the bag. There are many moments when you do not have time for lunch, at times like these little snacks seem like a blessing! But just carrying perishable snacks.

Besides the things mentioned above, a woman must always wear a tampon at least one large towel and mint. No specific 10 things you have in your portfolio, such as articles, of course, change according to the profession and age of women. However, take things above, as may be necessary at any time, anywhere.

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