Police Lightbars are the way that officers can maintain safety on our roads

All first response vehicles need lighting and what they all tend to have is at least one lightbar. Police lightbars are arguably more important as they need to far more multi functional.

Police vehicles are more versatile and have to attend all different types of emergencies. They can be at a road traffic accident on one call and a robbery in progress at the next call. As the duties of our police officers are so diverse it means their vehicle lighting has to cope with all of the different duties. Fire service and ambulance personnel tend to have a little less diversity in their jobs and with that the lighting they need does not need to be so versatile or multi functional. Police lightbars are the ones with the most features although that’s not to say that other first response vehicles couldn’t have them as well.

Fully functional Police lightbars would have the normal blue and red flashing lights incorporated, but they will also have a few other lights as well. A strobe is useful for police as is a beacon light. Some lightbars are tiered for huge lighting effect and they will also contain take down lights, alley lights and some kind of directional traffic advisor. The lighting on police vehicles would also be tailored to their area of operation, for instance a highway patrol vehicle would have more use for traffic advisor lights than say an ambulance.

Police vehicles are often undercover or involved in more covert operations and that doesn’t mean they can’t have lightbars fitted. Many of the new Police lightbars are virtually invisible until they are switched on and that can give officers a huge advantage when they wish to remain anonymous until the last minute. Visor lightbars can be concealed on the visor itself and its not until the visor is dropped that the lights become evident. Concealed lighting can be useful in many situations not just those where secrecy or surveillance is involved. Many of the dash and grill lights are virtually invisible until they are switched on.

Police vehicles tend to deal with much more in the course of a day and as said an officers duties are wide ranging. Officers need to patrol, respond to calls, and transport those that have been arrested, help the public in general and everything in between. Lighting will be used but in day-to-day routine duties such as patrol you are unlikely to all of the Police lightbars flashing away. When officers respond to a call they are given as much information as possible and they have to make a decision on how to proceed with not only speed but also safety. The highest priority call would need the use of lights and siren to help clear a path through traffic.

Police lightbars are essential equipment these days, as they have to help the officers through the course of their day. A police care idling at a curbside won’t be actually idle, they are there with purpose. In general lights will only be used when officers need to draw our attention to something or get our attention when they need to pull us over. The range of Police lightbars is vast but there are some excellent units that contain pretty much all of the lighting a police vehicle needs. The main purpose of police lighting on vehicles is to help maintain safety not just of the officers but the public as well.

Extreme Tactical Dynamics is a one-stop shop for
Police Lightbars and many other items like Flashlights, Deck Lights, police lights, etc. Please visit the site for more details of various items available – http://www.extremetacticaldynamics.com/

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