Capturing the moment
I recently bought a camera, as I have suddenly become interested in taking photography. My family think I have gone crazy but I can’t help what I feel, so I chose to ignore them until they can support me in my new found passion.
I’ve been taking pictures of random things, last week I went shopping with my sister and I stared to take photos in the shopping centre. She actually felt embarrassed by me but I just told her to grow up, as I am not the only one that takes photos of all sorts of things.
The weirdest photo I took that day was a picture of a man coming out of a building named Kent solicitor, the thing that made it weird was, the poor man in the photo was crying. Every time I look at that picture I feel really sad and I actually feel like crying with him.
As I really don’t know much about the functions on my camera, I decided to sign up to a photography class, as this will help in every way. I will understand my camera and learn the best way to capture the moment.
There were many different courses but I chose the eight week intense course, so I can start my passion of taking pictures sooner rather than later. Hopefully, one day when I’m confident, I can start a business of taking photos at weddings and parties. But it will only be a side job for me, as I really enjoy my job as primary school teacher.