CityVille Bay Point Duplex and Carousel – Latest News

Throughout the week, Zynga informed us about the changes made to some of the buildings in CityVille, the reason for this was to enhance the gameplay experience for everyone. There are now two existing buildings that have been given an extended time period. These are the Bay Point Duplex and the Carousel which have now been marked as expiring over the next day.

There may be some of you who have not purchased either of these yet but you can pick up the Bay Point Duplex from the main store for 30,000 coins and the Carousel for 25,000. The population of the Duplex can be anything between 230 and 470 which obviously depends on your own upgrades. The Carousel on its own holds at least 700 citizens for your town. When these have expired unfortunately these will be unavailable to buy.

For all those people that already have them. don’t worry they are not going to be removed and they sure will not be taken from you town.

Zynga did announce though that sometimes changes have to be made to encourage players to use new strategies with the items that they already have in their town. It may be a bit unfair especially when you may be doing so well in the game, but the game will keep growing and advancing to keep things interesting. It was also mentioned that it gives the developer an opportunity to add more of an increased range of choices in the future.

We are not quite sure of the backbone to these statements or is it a ploy for more Cityville fans to spend all their hard earned coins on items that they need to collect before the time limit runs out.

Anyways, as soon as more information is disclosed about any other changes which may change your game play we will let you know and also any news of new items when they become available.

To stay in touch with any Cityville changes or to find more resources to help you in the game why not visit our blog Strategy in Cityville

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