Spring and Summer 2011 vogues.

Styles for spring 2011 are going back to 60s and 70s. So what are the most important highlights? Hairdresser are taking the best from 70s especially the bohemian and sophisticated glamor. Which means hot pants with height waistline, tight belt and darker colouring materials gray, old gold and dark red. Accessories are unthinkable for the 70s. Leather bag, thigh high boots and fates of jewellery those are the fundamental complements for this bound.

Navy stripes, punk rock and bohemian glamour, plenty expressive styles to choose from! .

Trends for spring 2011 are going back to 60s and 70s. So what are the most important highlights? Hairdresser are taking the best from 70s specially the bohemian and sophisticated glamour. Which means hot pants with top waist, tight belt and darker colouring materials gray, old gold and dark red. Accessories are unthinkable for the 70s. Leather bag, thigh high kickings and portions of jewelry those are the fundamental complements for this bounce.

If you dont fancy glamour test biker or punk rock fashion which are not less voguish for this year. Although punk is a little bit already tradition if you check correct stuff you will be super original! Fashion pages recommend ultra slender black pants, white t shirt (prove very old on, just steal from your young man the single he applies for gardening), and invest in realy funky punk rock leather jacket with metal accessories.

Biker article of clothing is everything you can bust for wheel and more. The basic is leather jacket with no co ordinated belts of different colors. Shimmering bag and accessaries will give your kit the right volume.

This outfit will be great for spring colder good morning and evenings. In summertime would you in this kind of article of clothing have problems. But dont vexation summertime way is much more breathable! Dont be still afraid to get into article of clothing in the lingerie style! Awing particular longer at the back will show that you know what is in for this summer. Dont forget likewise high heels, belt and bathrobe. Pick only pastel colouring materials, old pinkish, scandalmongering and particularly white are the one right for you. And you should incessantly stress out that you havent forget to change from your sleeping apparels. Small, glisten bag or fancy shoes are necessary! .

And what about your head? There are exclusively two allowed hair colours white hot light haired and flushed. If you dont fancy any of those coloring materials, you will be just original as for example Lily Cole, who merely modified her red color to dark browned.

Long hair cut of meat will be a little bit crazy in the birds nest style. Dont be afraid to make your head a bit non-organized. The top hit will be without any dubiousness birds nest style. Highest time to learn how to make it on your head! This looks should be following by exceptional sunglasses in cat style! Select any colors, they dont have to even be protection against the sunshine, just be a cat at any time.

And what about shoes? Clogs are back! Will be a little bit difficult to walk with them around in city, but with punk dresses you will look perfect! The higher the better. The rattling opposite is 2nd shoes vogue for spring and summer 2011 the kitty heels. Must admit they are way more comfortable not only for walking but too in summer weather (not speaking about ill scented legs).

Navy Summer.
On the beach or by the swimming pool you will be IN! in navy blue style. This summer will be in name of stripes, profane and the sea! If you dont like the dark and white hot commbination you can shuffle combination which you like. For example pink and grey combining looks fabulous! While preparing for the summer you shouldnt forgett accesories big bag with cast anchor designed in atomic number 79, dismal cap with crest and shorts with little gold buttons thats something you shouldnt leave! This summer faces very funny, as you know that stripes are very genial to our patterns. If you dont like forms you can stock still don the cat design. If you take one piece swimming lawsuit, you will get the look like a ultra slender model! .

Author is Zuzana Kosata from www.fesn.cz. The best from fashion, trends and dress on one internet site. Are you looking for novel trendy attire or stylish accessaries? With Fesn. cz you will find according to your wants the best piece of vesture search harmonising to damage, colour, size or sword.

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