What Are Hemorrhoids And How Are They Treated?
Hemorrhoids result from individuals straining too much during defecation. The blood vessels in the area around the anus become overly engorged with blood and become inflamed. Although they are typically not a big discussion topic, they are quite common and can result in additional discomfort during day to day activities. Everyone has hemorrhoids; however, it is only when they create discomfort that individuals call the hemorrhoids and seek hemorrhoid treatment.
Hemorrhoid treatment comes in a variety of forms depending upon the severity of the condition. Where nonprescription medication may resolve the symptoms relatively quickly, bleeding hemorrhoids may require surgery. Since hemorrhoids may be internal or external, the success of suppositories or topical gels and creams may vary. Generally speaking, topical gels and creams tend to perform better than suppositories. The majority of the nonprescription strength medications for hemorrhoid treatment include numbing agents and anti-inflammatory ingredients that ease pain and reduce swelling.
One may self-diagnose bleeding hemorrhoids as a result of red streaks in one’s stool. Upon noticing blood in one’s stool it is recommended that one seek a licensed physician in order to confirm the suspicion of bleeding hemorrhoids. The discomfort, swelling and bleeding may be a result of a more serious medical condition. If the streaks are dark in color, then this typically indicates that the bleeding is occurring deep within the body and may not be as a result of bleeding hemorrhoids.
From watching commercials one can probably identify that many of the gels, creams, hemorrhoid pads, and suppositories for hemorrhoid treatment include the active ingredient hydrocortisone in order to relieve discomfort. A combination of a fibrous diet, eight to ten glasses of water, and one of these over the counter medications will typically eliminate hemorrhoids in about seven days.
A licensed medical professional should be consulted in the event that the hemorrhoid treatment has not solved the problem in seven days. Too much fiber can cause constipation, which agitates hemorrhoids prolonging the duration and increasing the chance of recurrence; therefore, it is important to have enough fiber for soft stool, but not too much as it may turn typical hemorrhoids into bleeding hemorrhoids.
Since sitting comfortably can be problematic if not impossible with hemorrhoids one may choose to use a hemorrhoid cushion that alleviates the pressure on the irritated area making daily tasks easier that require sitting. Above all, hemorrhoids are natural and there are effective hemorrhoid treatments available. If one has hemorrhoids or thinks that they have bleeding hemorrhoids, then one should consult a physician in order to ensure proper treatment.
Heroidshemorrhoids.com is an information resource that outlines hemorrhoid treatment. From the more benign hemorrhoids to bleeding hemorrhoids, hemroidshemorrhoids.com has a wealth of information for individuals. The website does not replace a professional medical opinion of a licensed physician and is therefore considered for reference purposes only. For more information Contact: Advanced Health Consultants, P. O. Box 530007, St. Petersburg, FL, 33747; medsearch205@cs.com, Phone #: 727-328-0859.