Army Wives is so touching…
Based on the non-fiction book originallytitled Under the Sabers: The Unwritten Code of Army Wives, by Tanya Biank, Army Wives dvd is set at fictional Fort Marshall, at the old Charleston Naval Base, in North Charleston, South Carolina, home to the as wellfictional 23rd Airborne Division.Army Wives itselfis filmed in variouslocations such as the Charleston Air Force Base and the sound stage off Dorchester Road in the City of North Charleston. Some scenes have been shot in and around the City of Charleston. Having just receivedour soldier home it was still very emotive. You will find yourself in tears and holding you breath when the bomb is showed. No onewill ever get the chance to know the feeling of what it is like to have some one leave you and go into danger. Its a hard thing to live with but Army Wives demonstrated others what we deal with on a daily basis. Who are the most strong and lovely persons- the Army Wives. It’s an entirely different world. Again, that was the pilot episode. It makes no sense to jump into almost everythingright away. Let the show develop, then decideif you like the show.Don’t ruin it for yourself by dwelling on the petty things. Realize what you’re watching is true life and should really be respected. God bless our troops!