Black beret

United States military use

In the United States military, the beret was unofficially worn by a variety of special operations units during and following World War II. In the spring of 1951, the 10th and 11th Ranger Companies wore black berets during their training at Camp Carson, Colorado before their deployment to Japan.

In 1973, permission was granted to local commanders to encourage distinctive, morale-enhancing uniform items and the black beret was adopted by Armor and Armored Cavalry units in the United States.

A black beret was authorised for wear by Women soldiers in 1975.

On January 30th, 1975 it was officially assigned as part of the newly created battalions of United States Army Rangers who had worn it unofficially during the Vietnam War.

In 1979 the Army Chief of Staff ruled that the black beret was restricted to just Ranger and Airborne units (the latter receiving their distinctive maroon berets on November 28th, 1980). However, since November 28th, 2001 the black beret is worn by all United States Army troops unless the soldier is approved to wear a different distinctive beret. The Rangers now wear tan berets in reverance to the original buckskin berets worn by Rogers Rangers during the Revolutionary war.

Usage around the world

In the German Army, an oversized black beret was introduced during the Third Reich for panzer crews, to be worn over the crash helmet; however this was dropped in favour of a black garrison cap during World War II. Today the black beret (of conventional size) is worn by the Armoured Corps and the Army Reconnaissance Corps.

In the Danish Army, the black beret was originally used by all combat regiments, but now it is worn by the two royal regiments and the armored regiment, the Royal Guards (Den Kongelige Livgarde), the Hussars (Gardehusarregimentet), and the Dragoons (Jyske Dragon Regiment).

In the Portuguese Army, the black beret is worn by the Cavalry, including the armoured troops and the military police.

In the Chilean Army,the black beret is worn by the paras and the special forces.

In the Spanish Army, the black beret is worn by the Mechanized Brigades and the Parachutist Brigade BRIPAC.

In the Spanish Air Force, the black beret is worn by the Paras: EZAPAC, EADA and SEADA as well as by Military Police Units. Members of EZAPAC also wear a Green Beret with their battle dress, to denote their Special Forces specialization. Traditionally black berets where used to denote para units, the custom originating in the Spanish Air Force, although its now used also by other, non-para units in the Army and the Air Force.

In the Belgian Army, the black beret is worn by armoured and engineer troops.

In the Danish Army, the black beret is worn by combat regiments.

In the Dutch Army, the black beret is worn by cavalry battalions.

In the pre-2003 Iraqi Army, the black beret was the most commonly worn head gear and continues to be worn by both army and police personnel of the new Iraqi Army.

In the Israel Defense Forces, soldiers serving in the Armor Corps wear black berets.

In the Malaysian Army, the members of the Royal Armor Corps wear the black berets.

In the Singapore Armed Forces, members of the Armour formation wear black berets.

The Norwegian Army Panserbataljonen (armoured) and E-bataljonen (intelligence) wear black berets.

In the Indian Army, all Cavalry and Armoured Corps wear black berets.

In the Pakistan Army, the Armoured Corps wears black berets.

In the Bangladesh Army, all units of the Armoured, Cavalry and Lancer Corps wear black berets.

In the Sri Lankan Army, the Armoured Corps, Mechanized Infantry and the Special Forces wear black berets.

In the Swedish Army, all armour and mechanized units wear black berets.

In the Irish Army the majority of the members of the Permanent Defence Forces wear black berets except for certain combat support units such as MP’s, Cavalry etc.

The Irish Republican Army and its splinter groups wore black berets (with balaclavas) at events such as funerals of their members. A Black Beret was often placed on the coffin of the deceased.

Members of Serbian Military Police wear black berets.

The Finnish Panssarijkri (panzerjaegers) and members of the Armored Brigade also wear black berets.

Tactical Air Control Party members of the United States Air Force wear black berets with a flash and crest design.

The Brazilian armour and mechanized troops also wear the black beret.

The Argentine Navy’s Batalln de Infantera de Marina 5 (5th Marine Battalion), of Falklands War Mount Tumbledown fame (1982), wears a black beret. This was introduced by (then) Commander Manuel Tom around 1977, and the beret was awarded on completion of a Cold Weather and Mountain Warfare Course. Today, all units of the Southern Marine Force of the Argentine Marine Corps wear black berets with unit badges.

In the Canadian Army, black berets are worn by armoured troops.

In the Croatian Army black berets are worn by Military police units and by 1st Guard Brigade (Croatia).

In the Canadian Forces Maritime Command (Canadian Navy) all sailors wear a black beret (“navy blue”) as part of their Combat Dress (see Uniforms of the Canadian Forces).

In the Greek Army, black berets are worn by the Armoured branch.

In the Italian Army most units wear a black beret. Exceptions are: Paratroopers, Alpini, Army Aviation Corps (AVES) and Bersaglieri.

In the Indonesian Army, black beret is worn by the members of Cavalry.

In the Austrian Bundesheer all armoured units (Armoured Battalions, Mechanized Infantry Battalions, Artillery Battalions and Mechanized Headquarter Battalions), wear the black beret.

In the Venezuelan Army, black berets are of general use except for Paratroopers, Special Forces, Counter-insurgency troops and soldiers stationed inside the Ministry of Defence and Army headquarters.

In the Republic of Korea Army, black berets are worn by Special Operation Command forces.

In the Sri Lanka Army, black berets are worn by members of the Special Forces Regiment.

In the Turkish Army, black berets are worn by Tank branch.

Near black berets

The naval colour is officially “very dark blue”. The Dutch navy and Dutch Marines wear very dark blue berets; a silver anchor for the Navy and a gold or dark brown (field duty) anchor on a red background for the Marines. The Portuguese Marines also wear a “very dark blue” beret. The Royal Norwegian Air Force also use a dark blue beret. Finnish Marine units wear a dark blue beret with the Navy insignia.

The black beret as a revolutionary symbol

One of the most famous photographs of Che Guevara taken by Alberto Korda was of him wearing a black beret with a gold star. Fidel Castro also wore a black beret during his insurgency against the Batista government of Cuba.In the 1960s several activist groups adopted the beret.

The Black Panther Party, of the United States formed in 1966 wore black berets..

A similar Black Power organisation in Bermuda was named the Black Beret Cadre.

Chicano activists wore the black beret in the 1960’s (in homage to Che Guevara) as a symbol of militancy and organized the Black Berets por La Justicia throughout California and the Southwestern United States.

Provisional Irish Republican Army members wore a black beret.

ETA guerrillas wore black berets over hoods in public appearances.

THRUSH assault troops wore a black beret on The Man from UNCLE television series and movies.


^ p.223 Stanton, Shelby U.S. Army Uniforms of the Cold War 1948-1973 1994 Stackpole Books


^ p.119 Ogbar, Jeffrey Ogbanna Green Black Power: Radical Politics and African American Identity 2004 JHU Press


See also


Green beret


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