Basic Information About Solid Wood Floor
Wood of any kind adds elegance and style to a house where it is installed. The most popular use of wood for home is for the purpose of flooring, windows, doors and other kinds of framing being a source of added glamour. Many types of wooden flooring are available to home owners at present, solid wood flooring being one of them. The others are engineered wood, rotary peel, sliced peel, dry solid sawn etc. Solid wood floors are available in a variety of dimensions and style. Each of the planks of such wooden floors are made form solid wood and milled form a single piece of timber. Initially such flooring was used for structural purposes and they were installed perpendicular to the wooden support beams of a building. As times have changed, with modern techniques making their way into the world of construction, wooden building frames are not used anymore, or, are used very rarely. Solid wood flooring though, is used solely for the aesthetic appearance and durability.
Although solid wood flooring is an excellent choice to add to the elegance and style of the house, it is not without limitations. To begin with, solid wood is usually not tampered with chemicals for treating etc. It is natural in the truest sense of the term. Therefore, it is prone to expansion and contraction depending upon change in humidity and temperature conditions. Changes in room temperature in the daily basis may also cause similar expansion and contraction. This puts dimensional restrictions on the flooring. The largest size of solid wood that can be produced without compromising the structure of flooring is with width of 5” and thickness of 3/4th”. Some manufacturers make wider boards using proprietary milling techniques. However, there is no particular size that will perform well compared to other sizes in particular environments. It is necessary though to understand that irrespective of the size of the solid wood, it should not be directly installed over concrete.
Like all other wooden floors, the owners will have to ensure special care for the solid wood floors. Regular polishing will ensure long lasting shine. Dust and dirt should not be allowed to settle for a long time over the floor. Any kind of staining spills should be avoided, and if this happens by chance, then, it should be mopped away as soon as possible. regular damp mopping may take a toll on the shine and health of the floor. Better maintenance will ensure that the floor will look as good as new for centuries! The owners though, will have to make the right choice of the quality, cost and environmental conditions before considering installation of solid wood floors.