Chaozhou Ceramics Industry Base Features

1, the basic profile

Chaozhou Ceramics characteristic industry base in April 2004 by the National Science and Technology Division approved the establishment of high-tech. Base approval, the municipal government of the base construction attaches great importance to organize relevant departments to develop the base of the detailed planning and organizing experts to conduct feasibility studies, the formation of the “characteristics of Chaozhou City, State Ceramics Industry Base implementation of views” to ensure that the base of the next five years the building in an orderly manner.

Over the past year, base construction has become a high-tech industries to promote development and regional economy, an important platform for promoting the development of characteristic industry has made a significant contribution. In 2004, the Base 237 above-scale enterprises, including 19 high-tech enterprises above the provincial level, the National Torch Plan a high-tech enterprises. Output value of hi-tech products 1.84 billion yuan, accounting for 12% of base GDP. 2005 New high-tech enterprises above the provincial level 12.

2, the base of the industry characteristics

Chaozhou is currently China’s largest production and export base of ceramics for daily use, its main characteristics are the following aspects:

1) a high degree of industrial agglomeration, the city’s ceramics production enterprises are currently more than 10000, more than 90% concentrated in the area around and Raoping Fengxi northern areas;

2) has formed a number of the domestic industry, leading enterprises and key enterprises, in accordance with national Ceramic Industry Association statistics, in 2004 the city has six national daily-use ceramics production enterprises to enter the top 20 companies, of which, Guangdong Great Wall Group Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Stone Group Co., Ltd. have been sub-processes of the first and third porcelain furnishings;

3) The main products outstanding, is the country’s largest daily-use porcelain export base. Base leading products are ceramics for daily use, especially daily use porcelain craft furnishings in 2004, a base of industrial output value 15.2 billion, accounting for about 25 percent, export more than 600 million U.S. dollars, accounting for about one-third of the country;

4) has a number of national and provincial famous brand products and famous trademarks. As of 2004 only, the base there Albert, ternary, Shunxiang, Great Wall, Stone, Xiong Ying six companies seven products were awarded “Guangdong Famous Brand” title; the Great Wall, Stone, Shunxiang, loose hair, Yue Feng , Xiong Ying, Wai Yip, Peng Jia and other eight companies were “Guangdong famous brand” title, the Great Wall, Stone, trends, and other enterprises by the state ministries and commissions awarded the “major support export brands.” Recently, the Guangdong Great Wall Group and other enterprise products have been five well-known national brand publicity.

3, the base technology, talents and resources

To 2005 base has been at the provincial level research and development institutions and testing agencies are one, that is, the State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection Ceramics Testing Center, Guangdong Province, Guangdong Province, Fengxi Ceramics Laboratory and Institute; Chaozhou tricyclic (Group) Co., Ltd., Great Wall Group Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Chaozhou Songfa Ceramics Co., Ltd., three companies have established a provincial-level engineering and technology research and development centers, Chaozhou City, west of Kat Street, arts and crafts, such as five-color porcelain factory enterprises have established research and development of municipal engineering Center. Secondary schools within the ceramic base 1, ceramic Vocational and Technical College is planning to build in the. By helping enterprises to strengthen the building of the conditions, and strive to create a good research environment, and guide enterprises to develop technological innovation, greatly enhance the industrial competitiveness.

Fourth, the public service platform for building

1) The formation of a government-led public service platform for the construction carried out by the government to form compatible with the local industry on the development of local industry has a direct-driven public service platform for the pilot, as part of a new regional innovation system for the enterprise technology innovation testing, simulation and other services. The effective integration of the local mining and resources for science and technology innovation to accelerate the secondary common technology transfer, the promotion of regional industrial cluster development and growth. Base has been established, the public service platforms include: ceramic products inspection station in Guangdong Province, Guangdong Province Ceramics Productivity Promotion Center, the National Ceramics Testing Center and the provincial China Branch Park, the new technology incubation centers are under construction.

2) strengthening science and technology intermediary service institution-building, the implementation of independent innovation for businesses to provide quality and efficient service. Currently the city has established four science and technology intermediary service institutions, mainly to provide enterprises with technical advice, technical training and technical services, through the past more than a year of operation, service bodies and capacity gradually.

5, policy support measures and their implementation

In 2004 the municipal government has drawn up on the implementation of the “CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee of Guangdong Provincial People’s Government on the province’s decision to accelerate the building of science and technology,” Implementation of opinion, “Opinion”, emphasizing that “to further enhance the enterprise independent innovation capability, improve the industrial chain, and vigorously develop new materials, ceramics, functional ceramics, green ceramics and other products, to accelerate the application of new technologies, energy-saving environmental protection, construction, ceramics for daily use characteristics of the state’s industrial base, bigger and stronger Chinese porcelain brand. ”

Implementing the main aspects of the organization to do the work in three areas, first, the lead agency: Base document approval, the municipal government immediately set up a “base” construction leading group responsible for base construction and management, coordination, the leading group in charge of science and technology work by the municipal government head of the vice mayor, municipal vice-head of Technology, the Secretary, Under the leading group office, office located in the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, is responsible for base construction, management and daily coordination. The second is to employ the torch of science and technology center, Tsinghua University and other experts set up a base in technical advisory group for the “base” building a strong technical support. Third, the foundation launched a series of base-building work, and other experts hired by the province of Tao Yan pairs of bases in the building quickly to plan, organize Chinese Tao Association, Tsinghua University, Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute and other experts to conduct feasibility studies on the base of the planning.

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