310-202 Practice Test
The latest 310-202 practice test is now putting out in Ourexam.com, which can offer you all the exam information about this 310-202 practice test, including the 310-202 exam pdf, 310-202 exam simulation, 310-202 study guide, 310-202 test questions and answers and so on, all of these materials are the same as the 310-202 real test, and we can guarantee your 100% pass!
Ourexam 310-202 practice test is composed by current and active information technology experts, who use their experience in preparing for your future in the IT Industry. If you need this 310-202 practice test now, welcome to Ourexam.com to free download some of the exam demos first, then decide to get the full version of this SUN 310-202 exam, including exam pdf and software version.
Here are some demos for this exam as follows:
1. Which of the following statements concerning Live Upgrade is TRUE?
A. You could use vi to modify the /etc/hosts file in a non-active BE
B. The /usr file system can be shared between two BEs
C. You can NOT use the pkgadd command to add a package to a non-active BE
D. You can NOT create a empty BE
E. The BE can only be modified using the luupgrade command
Answer: A
2. Which two profile keywords are required to install a differential flash archive? (choose two)
A. install_type
B. archive_location
C. flash_update
D. flash_install
E. local_customization
Answer: AB
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