Interview length gauge structural steel valve rapidly growing innovative enterpr

"The scientific concept of development is to vigorously support the high Technology Innovative enterprises, to suppress the high pollution, high energy consumption of backward production capacity, through these years of efforts, a number of our region go the way of technological innovation is rapid development and growth of SMEs. "Leshan City in the economic and Business DS Zhuying Ping said with confidence. January 9 Leshan, Sichuan News Network reporter in an interview know, Leshan City in the District in recent years, clear thinking, pay close attention to the work of transforming the economic growth mode, so that area a large number of innovative SMEs to grow up quickly, out of a new type of industrialization development.

Leshan long instrument Valve Deputy General Manager of the Behavior and Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Cadres in dealing with change at the provincial level high-tech unit liabilities

The years about earth-shaking changes in business, Leshan long instrument Valve Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Deputy General Manager of the Behavior and sighed, "That may be true, thanks to the Central District Leshan City party committee and government's good policies ah!" Structural steel recalled "We have long Instrument Valve Co., Ltd. was formerly a township enterprises, before and after the replacement of any legal person more than ten, to the time when we take over the fixed assets of just more than 1 million businesses and liabilities is as high as nearly four million. Since then we have established a corporate self- innovation, took over the second year of the three patents on the development of products, new products quickly to open the market for the enterprise. "

"Just started really difficult, side to side but also the development of debt." Structural steel with emotion, said, "I remember the beginning of our contract sales in 1991 alone more than 200,000 yuan, but after five years to turn our joint-stock company, with annual sales had reached more than 3 million, and now we have 20 to become a provincial high-tech enterprises patents, with annual sales up more than 40 million. "

"Of course, we can rapidly develop and grow, in addition to their own efforts, the Government's scientific guidance and policy support is also vital." Structural steel revealed that their products are Energy Products, to enjoy the national industrial policy, just the income tax will reduce by half. "In addition, Leshan City, Central Bureau of economic and business comrades also took the initiative to help us run the province to implement preferential policies to get us and the technical transformation project funds Service Is in place. "The Behavior and concluded that" companies become bigger and stronger, can not do without government support, it is my deep experience over the years. "

Government help rapidly growing high-tech enterprises

"Can rapidly develop our business, really want to thank the Government of full support." Leshan Branch Li Xin Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. Chairman Muhao Bin told reporters that his company is typical of technological innovation-oriented enterprises, mainly engaged in silicone Fine chemical research, development and production, at least college education staff more than half. "Our company was established in 2002, pre-primary input technology research and development until 2005, although the technology has reached a world-class, but the R & D funds have invested more than 4 million can be said to have exhausted my efforts had. And most in need in our business that document the development of life-saving funds, the Government, we reach out a helping hand. "

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