Internet TV popularity of "The road ahead will be long"

Appliances Repeated a new market, which

Internet TV Become TV Highlights promotional products company, the industry that there is no clear policy to protect, the lack of a mature business model and cost is not high, so the popularity of Internet TV "road is long."

Internet TV has frequently become the household appliance market, the highlight of promotional products, color TV giants

TCL To "all ones who enjoy the highest 30% of Internet TV" as the gimmick, triggering purchase boom. It is understood that Internet TV is a television and network integration, in line with national "triple play", "4C one" industrial policy, is the inevitable trend of TV product upgrades also meet the new demands of the user entertainment.

In addition, the advent of Internet television is TV's new business performance of magic to save the embarrassment. According to

Electronic Video Trade Association data show that in 2008 the output value of China's color TV industry, more than 1,200 billion, but industry profits do not exceed 8.0 billion. "Profit has been even thinner than the blade", this is the consensus of the domestic color TV industry.

In fact, the Internet TV live up to expectations, Ovid consultation monitoring shows that the third quarter of 2009, China's color TV market a broad Internet TV (that is, not only has the network interface, also contains all the content with streaming media, and value-added features TV) products accounts for more than the overall retail market

LCD TV 20% of Internet TV sales in 2010 expected to increase to more than 50% share of sales will reach more than 35%.

Nevertheless, Internet TV to the mass popularity of "The road ahead will be long."

First of all, there is no clear policy to protect.

Back in late 08, early in 2009, the Internet TV will come out, but the qualifications and copyright issues have been troubled by TV manufacturers. Early December 2009,

SARFT Television in actively consolidating BT site further statement, the prosecuting illegal audio-visual website will not be limited to BT download websites. In the industry believe that Internet TV may be subject to the content of the "drastic measure."

Second, the lack of a mature business model.

At present, Internet TV is also essential to stay profitable in the selling phase of the terminal hardware, so in the early stages of product promotion, especially in the relevant policy has been uncertainty, the "end product development," far away in a "building of the most critical elements "The front, which is not normal.

Household appliances industry, a senior adviser, told reporters, after all, is a new Internet TV product, their business model is still in the exploratory stage, there is great distance from maturity. Internet TV pricing model taking shape, its business model simply can not be established. Internet TV business model requires the establishment of four conditions: policy clear, rational division of labor chain, large-scale open applications, fees and charges process maturity. Among them, a clear policy is the prerequisite of all.

Same time, the cost is not high has become a popular Internet TV shackles. Internet TV feature is only currently remain in the online watch movies, download video, online to read news, get weather several modules at the same time, because of copyright considerations, on-demand content only in a limited default content in The current market price of Internet TV with the size of normal than

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Your one or two thousand dollars, these factors make the Internet the new little bit "immature", and some distance from the end user.

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