The second stage of printing company printing industry nationwide vocational ski

April 12, 2010, the second national printing industry vocational skills competition information technology conference and certification Heidelberg Project launch a new venue in China, Beijing R & F Printing Co Morgan Center grand opening. China Printing Technology Association in Yongzhan GAPP print reproduction Management Division Wang Yan Bin, China Printing Technology Association, honorary chairman Wu Wenxiang, Deputy Chairman and Secretary-General Zhang Shuangru, News and Publication Administration Division of Personnel Xu wins the Education and Training Department Royal Commissioner, Heidelberg China Limited Chief Executive Officer Cailian Cheng, Heidelberg China Limited Marketing Director Tan Huiwen and Heidelberg (Shenzhen) Printing Media Technology Centre Manager Zhao Rui, attended the event. The conference's grand opening, means that competition will in the human resources skills and Social Security Organization of National Vocational Skills Competition launch a series of activities in full swing after the sky, and personnel training projects set out on the journey.

August 2009, the State Council issued the "Cultural Industry Promotion Plan", to focus on the development of the printing industry one of the industries included in the future, which is experiencing a global financial crisis to the Chinese printing industry, after the trauma caused by the printing industry to switch "Crisis" to "machine" of important historical opportunities for the development of printing industry professionals raised new issues.

In recent years, China's printing market has maintained rapid growth momentum, increasing demand for professionals. Only until 2007, the printing industry's talent gap has reached as many as 150 000. Among them, the printing industry's most skilled workers in short supply of talent for the talent, especially high-level printing press mechanic long way in the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, Bohai three domestic printing industry has become a real band, "Gold-collar" class. Talent shortage is restricting business, industry, the key bottleneck of sustainable development, personnel training is to maintain the healthy development of China's printing industry's top priority.

Printing industry vocational skills competition is in this context was born. Competition is a Press and Publication Administration and organized by the Department of Human Resources and Social Security's so far the highest national standard, the widest scope, with the most stringent procedures most standard printing industry event. The first contest in 2008, covering 31 provinces, tens of thousands of companies involved, there are 5,300 more than the captain took part in the preliminary round, more than 500 people to enter trials, 153 players entered the final round, 5 of the "National Technology experts ", 35 were national award winners, 113 Excellence Award, was promoted to senior workers more than 550, more than 110 technicians promotion, people promoted to senior technician. Printing industry vocational skills competition for the print display technician can provide, a platform for exchange of experiences, but also revealed the overall printing technician team, "short board" for the printing industry to determine the direction of personnel training, to effectively promote the China Printing Industry the quality of engineering talent.

This competition will be offset printers, lithographic plate-making industry, screen printers three race types, each type of work in two groups; workers, students, a total of six groups. The current competition-related preparatory work has made progress, April 16 Human Resources and Social Security Ministry in Beijing, organized the "2010 National Skills Competition Series launch event", then the preliminary round will be in the provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions and then expand nationwide Organization of the National Organizing Committee will be final in the 7-8 month.

HC printing network will open up competition will feature competition in real time to reflect progress.

Since March, have organized a "race organizing committee formed student group working meeting", "offset plate making, screen printing, lithography technology experts will work", "offset printing press of experts will", set up a screen printing job competition group and so on. Improve the organization of the relevant competition, study revised the final race of the three types of technology implementation program, proposition points, the referee rules and other technical documents. Organization of training, assessment of the state (lithography, plate lithography, screen printing) 207 judges, together with the corresponding qualification has been made in 2008 by 162 judges across the country will have 369 national referee of this Competition.

This competition by the industry's enthusiastic response, Guizhou, has been organizing committee, according to preliminary work group set up provincial organizing committee, local Press and Publication Bureau, the Printing Association, printing enterprises, educational institutions and related organizations at an unprecedented enthusiasm and commit them to Race in the preparations. As the "Improvement of the printing area of highly skilled personnel to come into the selection mechanism, and train more highly skilled printing" for the purposes of public welfare industry competitions, but also the domestic and foreign equipment, material supplier support, Heidelberg will be group of workers take the final offset printers to provide equipment and venues, and free for the finalists to provide re-training before the final system, and this opportunity to explore a collaboration with the Association of highly skilled training a viable direction.

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