How Not to Become a Victim of Assault
One of the most common crimes in our society is personal assault. No matter what type of attack it may be, whether robbery, mugging, etc., it is can cause serious damage to our sense of personal security and well being. How does one avoid becoming the next victim of a violent crime? Why does an assailant look for when he chooses his next prey? Attackers can easily spot the signals of their next likely target. Knowing what they look for when they make their selection can help you steer clear of being that unlucky person.
An assailant is looking for an easy mark. One who appears powerless, meek and naive. A target not capable (or won’t) fight back is someone who is easy to waylay. It’s important to know that the your prospect of becoming a victim is predisposed by the signals you aren’t even aware you are sending to an assailant. Our body language and non-verbal cues are the unconscious signals that make up 80-90% of our communication to others. Attackers, whether consciously or instinctively, will form an opinion about you. They determine how easy you will be to subdue and control from these signals.
Fortunately there are a number of methods that can be utilized to reduce your chances of becoming a victim of personal attack. If predators look for potential prey who appears to be powerless, vulnerable and naive, then you must project the reverse of that. One way is to carry yourself with confidence. Confidence is a non-victim quality. The more self-assured you appear to others, lessens your chances of being someone’s target. An attacker won’t choose a victim who appears to be difficult to overcome or will put up a fight. Any sign of strength or defiance, whether deliberate or implied, is often sufficient to cause a predator to look elsewhere for any easier target. One way to portray self-assurance is by walking briskly with a purpose, with your head held upright and looking alert.
Another way to reduce your probability of becoming a victim is to be acutely aware of your surroundings at all times. By becoming more aware of your surroundings, you not only increase the odds of detecting a potential attacker, you also project an image of vigilance. Pay attention to who is around you and what activities or events are going on at all times. Notice everyone walking toward you and look them in the eye. Criminals look for potential victims who are distracted and off guard. So put away those “electronic toys!” Get off your cell phone, iPod, PDA and laptop. Using these gadgets in public places like parking garages, malls, parks, etc., can lessen your ability to detect potential danger and makes you an easy mark. If you are distracted and not paying attention you might not even realize you are going to be attacked until it is too late to escape.
Besides projecting an air of poise and watchfullness, an additional line of defense is to carry a few standard personal security items with you, such as a personal alarm, a canister of pepper spray and/or a stun gun. A personal alarm is just the right device for getting yourself noticed when you really need it. These small, inexpensive items are very easy to take with you wherever you go. When activated, they will emit an earsplitting and insufferable noise. Pepper spray is a non-fatal self-defense spray that is made from oleoresin capsicum (OC), a by-product of pepper. When sprayed in an attacker’s face or eyes, pepper spray will irritate the eyes causing profuse tearing, pain and even short-term blindness. A stun gun is a defense weapon designed to temporarily halt an assailant by delivering a non-lethal, high-voltage electric shock. Keep in mind that these security devices will not keep you safe if you do not use them.
To discover more about how self defense products like personal alarms, pepper spray or stun guns can help keep you safe visit