What did you think of the finale of Supernatural?

The supernatural or supernatural (Latin: super, supra “above” + natura “nature”) is anything above or beyond what one holds to be natural or exists outside natural law and the observable universe. Science limits its explanations for phenomena to natural explanations, a process known as methodological naturalism, and cannot consider supernatural explanations, as they cannot be investigated empirically. To explain something using natural causes and excluding supernatural causes is to naturalize it. To explain something as resulting from supernatural causes is to supernaturalize it. Supernatural themes are often associated with paranormal and occult ideas, suggesting the possibility of interaction with the supernatural by means of summoning or trance. In secular societies, religious miracles are typically perceived as supernatural claims, as are spells and curses, divination, and the afterlife. Characteristics for phenomena claimed as supernatural are anomaly, uniqueness, and uncontrollability. Thus, the conditions in which such phenomena are thought to manifest may not be reproducible for scientific examination. Supernatural phenomena are sometimes referred to as paranormal. The field of study dealing with the supernatural is sometimes called metaphysics or the occult. UPDATE: Woah, PopWatchers. If you saw that final twist coming, you should probably take your powers of prediction to Vegas. As for the rest of us, we’ll just sit here patiently waiting for this “WTF” face to go away. Here’s the short of it all: [SPOILERS AHEAD] I doubt we’ll be seeing Lisa and Ben ever again. (Woo?) Sam’s wall came down. And Castiel became God. Yes, the new God. Take a moment to process, and then weight in below while I work on a full recap up for y’all. As for where this finale ranks among the rest, I still need time to process it all. But I’ve updated the poll below, so vote if you’ve made your choice already! [End of update.] Earlier this morning, I was watching last year’s season finale of Supernatural on TNT (thank you, syndication), and one year later, I have still have no regrets about putting it at the top of my list of 15 best Supernatural EP ever. The season 5 ender had everything I had been hoping for in terms of mythology (the Lucifer/Sam storyline paid off huge!) and emotional impact (true story: I had one nightmare as, I predict, a result of watching Castiel’s head blow up). Seasons 1′s car crash and Dean’s trip to hell in season 3 were also amazing season closers and cliffhangers, but there was something about season 5′s that made it feel like a period and an exclamation point all at the same time. There was closure, a cliffhanger, and a sad peacefulness about where we left all the characters. It easily could have been a series finale — although, thank Chuck Castiel it wasn’t.

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