How To Know If You Have Hemorrhoids
1. Bleeding happens when too much pressure is exerted on the anus. Usually, bleeding occurs during bowel movement where traces of blood are found in the stool. However, there are also other diseases and conditions that result to blood in stools and in such case, you cannot therefore conclude if you are indeed suffering from hemorrhoids as the bleeding may be caused by some other reason. In any case, once there is bleeding, the safest thing to do next is to consult a doctor who can best diagnose if you have hemorrhoids or not.
One more reason why you should consult a doctor immediately once there is bleeding is because of the discomfort and awkwardness that bleeding can bring you. When the anus or the lower body exerts a considerable amount of pressure, it bleeds. Thus the anus can bleed even while one is moving about in a public place.
2. One other sign of hemorrhoids is a change in the size, shape and color of the stool. Because hemorrhoids cause blockage in the stool’s passageway, the stools typically come out thin and narrow in size and shape as well as dark in color.
3. Pain in the rectal area is also one sign of hemorrhoids that should not be ignored. If you experience and discomfort or pain in the rectum which is not caused by any other ailments or known injury, it is possible that you may be suffering from external hemorrhoids. Compared to internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids are bound to cause more discomfort as it is more exposed to outside irritants.
4. Discharges from the anus may also point to hemorrhoids. These anal discharges may be brought about by irritation or swelling of the internal hemorrhoids.
5. Lumps, swelling, sores and bulges in the anus and rectum area may also be signs of hemorrhoids. Sac-like protrusions in the anus can be due to too much swelling of the blood vessels from too much pressure. These lumps, bulges and swellings may vary in sizes. Several lumps come in sizes of a dollar while some are large and may even overlap with smaller ones.