Paint your home to get help on your home loan payments

If you are finding it extremely difficult to make payments on your home loan regularly and the lenders are threatening to foreclose your property, then you should paint your house immediately. You may think that how painting your home can help you in mortgage payments and protect your house from foreclosure? Rather it is likely to increase your expenses which you can’t possible afford at present. But the truth is, painting your house will not only give it a fresh look but also can help you pay back your lenders. Read along to know how painting your house can help you get mortgage help.

Paint your home and pay back your lenders

A leading advertising firm has come up with a unique and exciting offer for the homeowners. The company is offering to pay the mortgages of the homeowners in return of painting their houses. The company will paint the outside portion of the homeowners’ houses with several advertisements. This basically implies that after the painting is finished, the house will just look like a billboard, featuring various advertisements.

This special offer is only available to the homeowners though. The house to be painted should not be rented or leased. Another rule is that, the homeowner can’t remove the painting from the house for minimum 3 months. After 3 months, the homeowner can request the firm to turn the house to its original color. If the homeowner is interested, then this unique offer can be stretched to 1year also. The company will make the monthly mortgage payments on behalf of the homeowner till the advertisements are displayed on the house.

It does not take a huge research to know that painting does not come cheap. In the present economic scenario, the homeowners need to spend around $3000 to $5000 on the paintings. This figure is the least amount homeowners need to pay for painting their houses. So, this kind of an offer is undoubtedly good news for the struggling homeowners.

The advertising company has refused to work with the homeowners in those localities where it is illegal to paint the houses like a billboard. A senior member of the company has reportedly said that the company will not do anything which violates the laws. They will agree to paint the houses fulfilling all the criteria. He also added that the company is hopeful of getting positive response from the homeowners.

Last but not the least, several distressed homeowners participating in a renowned mortgage community have expressed their happiness on hearing this particular news. At present, they are more concerned about saving their cherished houses from possible foreclosures than the appearance of the homes. After all, this kind of an offer does not come often.

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