Enjoy the Savings of a Tankless Water Heater

This is a true story. I remembered a time when a friend of mine complained about his electrical bills. He has a house in a swanky village where he and his family lived. He was well off but pretty much of a scrooge. So he kept complaining and asking me on how he could bring down his house bills especially on electricity. I advised him about basic saving tips like using air-conditiner wisely and limiting use of electric power in producing heat such are ironing, electric stove and the like. I think one of the most effective tips I told him is to switch a tankless water heater.

Stingy as he was, he resisted the idea. He did not want any additional costs of buying the tankless water heater. In order to save, he even tried turning off the water heater and having no hot water for the entire house. But as the cold season came, he had no choice, or else everyone would suffer cold. As the electric bill came he went back complaining to me. Again, I told him to use the tankless water heater. This time, he asked some questions like is it safe, is it easy to operate, who is going to install it and finally how much electrical savings can one get from it?

I told him that earlier models of the tankless water heaters were not as safe as they are now. Today’s models are 100% safe otherwise trade and industry authorities would not approve the distribution. As to user friendliness, even my eight-year old son can use it. Mostly, there are just two knobs; one is for the on and off switch and the other is for thermostat where you just set how hot you want your water to be. He was surprised that the tankless water heater could blend the warmness or the hotness of the water. Installation of this type is just like 1-2-3 to an average plumber. It would not take more than three hours and one can already start enjoying the soothing effects of hot water.

As to the electrical savings for which my friend was mostly concerned about, I told him to think about how much water he is storing and heating at the moment. He had a 2,000 liter tank reserve that supplies all the water needs of the house. I asked him if he needs hot water for laundry and for washing plates. He said no. He only uses hot water for bathing. I told him that, just buy a tankless water heater, or two of them if he could not find a larger size one: one for him and his wife and the other for their daughter.

Luckily, He finally did what I told him. After that, he never complained about his electric bills again. So, Why Tankkless Water Heater can lower the bill? Simply because it is more energy efficient. It allows for more than 80%, usually 83%-94%, efficiency by heating only the amount of water needed at that time. This feature can lower your bill almost half compared to the usage of the traditional tankless water heater.

Noritz is the leader of the Tankless Water Heater manufacturer. Check out the Noritz Knowledge Center and find all the information about Tankless Water Heater.

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