Zhang Ji exclusive interpretation "views": Export a new policy where n

This year, Car Industry, the backbone of China's economic development role of the full show. In the "auto industry restructuring and revitalization plan," the support, the rapid growth of the domestic automobile consumption. However, rapid growth in the domestic auto market, while overseas export market has fallen sharply. Recently, the Ministry of Commerce and other six ministries jointly issued "China's auto exports on the promotion of sustainable and healthy development of opinions" (the "Opinion"). Compared with the past, new policies which differ? Recently, the Ministry of Commerce of Machinery and Electronics Industry Secretary, Zhang Ji, an exclusive interpretation of the reporter to "opinions."

"" Opinions "of the 'new', is a system of 'new'. Implementation of the policy background, philosophy, goals, orientation, core measures, are very different than in the past. Almost 8 years in China auto exports achieved considerable progress, but also there are many problems and challenges, including the enterprises themselves. In fact, China's auto exports have entered a new stage, facing the new situation and new tasks and new requirements, must have new ideas, new initiatives, new ideas. The new policy adopted by full compliance with WTO rules, focusing on norms and create a fair competitive environment, changes in export growth, export-oriented growth, export growth is more emphasis on the improvement of the quality and efficiency. "Zhang Ji outlines the New Deal's novelty lies .

focus on long-term remodeling auto export bases

"" View "of the introduction of the principle of" auto industry restructuring and revitalization plan "(the" Plan ") is a specific measure, the same time guiding the car a long-term strategy for export development." Opinion "is not a response The global Financial Expedient crisis, emergency measures, but China's auto exports by the problems exposed in deep thinking, to follow the development pattern of auto exports, with the current stage of development to guide the development of China's auto exports and long-term programmatic document. "Zhang Ji pointed out that, concerns and promote the sustainable development of auto exports is the" opinions "of the core.

"High growth in exports for many years that my car in the international market has a very large demand, comparative advantage is obvious. However, the extensive mode of export of a considerable extent, the internationalization of domestic competition, competitive pressures from within exposed many deep-seated problems, explain the basis for China's auto export is not reliable. such as the low level of homogeneous competition, mainly by the price they work hard, do not pay attention to quality, pre-service and Marketing Network construction, lack of brand, and the lack of integrity. Lack of strategic business planning of export markets, with orders on the market as some companies will market as a testing ground, short-term serious. To achieve sustained growth in automobile exports, external factors are important, internal factors more critical. Extensive need to gradually change the way the export and re-shape the export base. "Zhang Ji said.

"Opinion" is an important concept: not only concerned about the number of automobile export growth, but also to pay attention to the quality of growth and efficiency. "Opinions" of the core measures is to change the past, extensive management to ask the company more focus on product quality, service, brand development, particularly the use of different market environment full investigation, matching tests and adaptation to avoid Russian exports, "Kuaijinkuaichu" phenomenon occurred again in other emerging markets.

"Extensive changes in automobile exports, growth is a gradual process, can not be done overnight, nor can once and for all, must follow the car export laws. Now many of the problems inherent in current automotive exports, and insurmountable, will continue, but must be gradually changed. "opinions" published aim is to shorten the process of change. "Zhang Ji said.

Long as the car export guidance document, "Views" of China's auto exports-stage growth targets. Zhang Ji said: "We made cars and auto parts exports from this year, with 3 years of striving to achieve recovery of growth (average annual growth of 10%); then 4 years to achieve rapid growth (average annual growth of 20%); re- with 5 years as auto exporting countries (share of world trade in automotive products total 10%), and then export power to change cars. "

regulate export order of emphasis to create a fair competitive environment norms

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