Anhui Fuyang 789 children infected with enterovirus EV7119 dead – enterovirus, E
In early March this year, several hospitals in Fuyang City, in succession with fever were admitted to the mouth, hand, foot and hip disease mainly rash, a few accompanied by brain, heart, lungs serious damage. The clinical diagnosis and laboratory testing to determine the disease to intestinal virus EV71 infection. So far, 789 children infected with enterovirus EV71, 19 people have been fully died.
According to information provided by city of Fuyang in Anhui Province, Fuyang city in March 789 children have been infected with enterovirus EV71, 19 people died due by the best, is still under hospital treatment and 204 patients admitted for observation. Expert in the Ministry of Health and the participation of Anhui Province under the guidance of Fuyang city health department is to enhance the medical treatment and comprehensive prevention and control.
According to reports, early in March this year, several hospitals in Fuyang City, in succession with fever were admitted to the mouth, hand, foot and hip disease mainly rash, a few accompanied by brain, heart, lungs serious damage.
By the Ministry of Health, Anhui Province and Fuyang City experts epidemiological investigation, clinical diagnosis and laboratory testing to determine the disease to intestinal virus EV71 infection.
According to experts, intestinal virus EV71 infection mainly through saliva, herpes liquid manure spread in close contact with contaminated items, children and adults may be infected with multiple children under 5 years of age, poor sanitation and poor personal hygiene habits easy onset often lead to children's hand, foot and mouth disease, viral angina, severe pulmonary edema can occur in children, encephalitis, most cases have been mild, cured. Small number of patients, there may be myocarditis, aseptic meningitis and pulmonary edema and other complications can be life threatening in severe cases.
Condition occurs, the Ministry of Health, Health Department of Anhui Province Fuyang promptly sent experts to investigate the cause of guidance to treat the children, a comprehensive prevention and control work. Fuyang city government set up a leading group for control, deployed from the city's medical system capable of medical care personnel to augment the designated hospital for, scheduling and other infant ventilator-related equipment, has opened up where the green channel. At the same time, strengthening disease surveillance, focusing on schools, kindergartens, village sanitation, water, food and health for control and inspection.
Authoritative experts intestinal virus EV71 infections clear up doubts
Since March in Fuyang City in Anhui Province has 789 children infected with enterovirus EV71, 19 people have been fully died. The authoritative experts susceptible to the virus, transmission, symptoms, etc. the answer.
According to the China Centre for Disease Control and Prevention deputy director Yang Wei, the Beijing Ditan Hospital Chief Physician LI Xing, Beijing Children's Hospital ICU director Su-Yun Qian and other experts, the intestinal virus EV71 is a human enterovirus, known as EV71 often lead to children's hand, foot and mouth disease, viral angina, severe pulmonary edema can occur in children, encephalitis, etc., collectively referred to as intestinal virus EV71 infection. The disease mostly occurs in children, especially infants under 3 years old and more hair, a few serious condition, a serious cause death.
Disease often occurred in the pre-school children, especially infants under 3 years old with multiple adults can also be infected. Sanitation, poor food hygiene, poor personal hygiene, disease prone. Most cases have been mild, cured. A small number of patients might have encephalitis and encephalomyelitis, pulmonary edema, circulatory failure and other serious life-threatening when.
EV71 intestinal virus infection can occur throughout the year, common in 4-9 months. Main mode of transmission: close contact with people is an important means of communication, children, the virus through contact with contaminated hands, towels, handkerchiefs, tooth cups, toys, utensils, milk with and bedding, underwear cause infection; patients with throat and saliva of virus can be through the air (droplet) transmission, so close contact with sick children can cause infection; drink or food into the virus-contaminated water, food can also be infected.
Experts introduced, children infected with EV71 intestinal virus after the onset of fever and more, usually around 38 , fever, while in the mouth, hands and feet, buttocks rash, or oral herpes appear. Some patients with cough of early Cold Kind of performance. 1 to 2 days after fever rash usually appears in the palm of the hand and foot, can also occur in the buttocks. Some children with no fever, only the performance of the hands, feet, buttocks rash or herpes angina and mild. Most children in one week the temperature drops, skin rash subsided, the condition to restore.
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