Sweden: 2020 towards non

Began as early biomass Energy Development, and has unique resources and Linking Industry and Academia perfect system, Sweden's biomass energy industry, both from the technical to the scale is a global leader in the use of the EU countries with the highest proportion of renewable energy. Since the publication of "Towards 2020, the non-oil countries," the declaration, made in Sweden in 2020 to become the world's first non-use Oil Countries. To achieve this goal is by the Swedish government, enterprises and people to work together to develop biomass energy.

Sweden, development and production of biomass energy is the ideal area. First of all, Sweden has abundant resources, the per capita share of 327 trees cubic meters, second only to Finland ranks second in the world; secondly, its forest resources and supporting a well-developed pulp and paper industry as well as leading technology, can waste biomass into energy; again, Sweden has a Saab, Volvo and other well-known Car Brand, can be used as fuel testing and promotion of new energy platform.

Sweden attaches great importance to the development of biomass energy technologies, and has long been committed to the establishment of a comprehensive policy and regulations, to promote enterprise Cooperation And technological innovation, and give financial support, which is the main reason for the rapid development of biomass energy. Sweden has national biomass research and development institutions, production of biomass feedstock, conversion technologies and product markets a comprehensive system of research, from the solid particles and bio-fuel to bio-ethanol Diesel fuel Have strict quality standards.

Swedish biomass energy ratio of total energy from 9% in 1970 to 28% in 2008, higher than the European average of 4 times; while the proportion of energy from oil accounts for 77% in 1977 down to The current 32%. 70 years from the beginning of last century, Sweden began to try to establish a market-based biomass energy system, and since 1997 the implementation of electricity price subsidy system, the Government of the biomass power generation to 0.9 euro cents / kWh of subsidy, and according to business use bio-electricity generation accounted for the proportion of the total tax benefits granted. Nordic winter long and cold, the Swedish construction in many cities have adopted the central heating system for heating energy every year about 24% of the total energy consumption. In the Government's strong support now more than 50% of the heating using biomass fuels. At the same time, Sweden is also vigorously promoting biomass cogeneration project, in the same time providing high quality power to meet heating demand. Currently, about 5% of Sweden's energy comes from biomass sources by 2020 will increase to about 20%.

Last 5 to 10 years, Sweden began to promote industrial production of bio-ethanol, bio-ethanol cars in Sweden found everywhere now, there are 676 ethanol gas stations, accounting for 15% of all gas stations. In addition, Sweden is the world's leading producer of automotive bio-gas, the city of Gothenburg in Sweden, more than 4,000 vehicles have been used in all bio-methane, the world's largest biogas plant here will also start construction this year.

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