Cartier jewelry and writing a new strategy in China (Photos)

Classic brand new strategic thinking 2006 11 8, Beijing Parkson Shopping Center Fuxingmen. The opening of the new Cartier boutique, as this has a nearly 160-year-old French luxury brand's top writing a legend in China, which is the Cartier boutique in China's largest, is the mainland section 13, Beijing No. 3 boutique.

Cartier Greater China, all Hui Lu Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Lu Huiquan sitting in the new 400 square meter store in an interview, and apparently immersed in a busy atmosphere. This whole year's time, he was almost all busy. For the control of the most luxurious brand of people, he wants a luxury it is ordinary people have leisure time.

Cartier Greater China, all Hui Lu Chief Executive Officer

2006 1 month when the development of shopping boutiques Changchun opened Zhuo, and immediately after that first time, "Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival", has been busy in February; in April is "Love" series jewelry market; July "Caressed'Orchidees Orchid" Jewelry Series listing at the same time, they began to Louis? card to watch dumb circular tour of China; another sponsor soon after September, "Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Award," a bazaar. When Louis? Cartier round l regret the table. 11 State Tour ended in Beijing soon, and at the same time this should Parkson China's largest boutique opening.

Frequently shop and promotional activities, in fact, the whole program is Hui Lu Cartier's market strategy.

Reporter: Cartier as the first luxury brand to China in recent years the development of very fast, this is the first ten years of development track are not the same, this shows Cartier strategic change?

Hui Lu all: Cartier first to enter the Chinese market, Chinese consumers can be said for the concept of luxury almost no children. When Cartier watch out the first counter, many people will watch more than 6000 yuan pointed question: Why can not water your table? Why or belt form? At that time, the price of many Swiss watches also more than 2000 yuan, while the card Cartier sold in China only the cheapest products. At that time, I can not come on to tell the customers where is the value of million-dollar product, or people definitely thought I was crazy.

Before we shop more in the training of consumers, rather than as a source of revenue. According to my understanding, Cartier products should be from a relatively inexpensive manpower, coupled with human spy mode of promotional activities for the brand image of the in-depth consumer business mind, then slowly raise the grade of product. And promotion of the frequency is shop faster, but also to the consumers sales and training. Market changes, many with luxury goods brands need to rethink their strategies.

Reporter: the last 3 years, the Cartier shop significantly faster, in many second-tier cities also appeared Cartier boutique, luxury brands than others to be fast, to many, and why?

Hui Lu All: Now cities like Beijing and Shanghai, many luxury brands, luxury goods consumption layer matures Cartier in these cities is very high single-store sales. But like I said, Cartier did not understand the luxury consumer in China, came to China when, and let consumers start from Cartier understanding, acceptance luxury. Now we have to keep one step ahead, first to enter the second line before the other brands in the medium-sized cities. In fact, the strength of these cities are gradually luxury, we begin to cultivate these markets early step.

Reporter: Mainland China's luxury goods consumer market capable of supporting so many Cartier store it?

Hui Lu all: To be sure, China's luxury market potential is huge. We spread the brand based on culture, the first purpose, some stores to let consumers know us, know us. Now we store business is very good, steady growth every year. Second-tier cities in newly opened stores, in a recent two years, may continue to pave the way for us into the local market?? To allow consumers to recognize and accept, but I will soon be able to find these shops brings profit.

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