Qin terracotta body with a rare purple barium copper silicate pigment
"From the painted terracotta figures, we analyze a rare purple Pigment ??? Acid Copper Barium. "In the ICOMOS 15th General Assembly forum, presented Wu Yongqi Terracotta Museum and Heritage on the terracotta figures of the situation.
Important discovery Terracotta body paint with a rare
Wuguan Chang explained that the archaeological data show that the color of the terracotta warriors and horses were originally applied quintana. As many who have been the destruction of unfavorable factors, figurines unearthed painted most of the damage when the surface is only a small amount of paint remaining, and because changes in the environment after the emergence of the Qi Qiao, spalling. In order to protect Terracotta painting, terracotta figures Bo Wuguan Organization Commissioned a study, and with the German state of Bavaria for more than a decade of Conservation Bureau of the cooperation and achieved fruitful results. Research comprehensively and systematically revealed the hierarchy of painting, composition, painting technique and the damage mechanism of painted terracotta figures obtained by the brown pigment layers of organic substrate and the conclusions, determined the bottom of the main components of organic brown in China Lacquer.
, It is also to analyze the pigments in a not yet found in nature, purple paint??? Barium copper silicate (BaCuSi2O6), Terracotta is the first of its kind to use. The discovery of the paint on the study of ancient Chinese history is of great significance. According found Expert Revealed in the use of modern analytical tools paint damage mechanism, to identify two sets of effective protection approach: First, wrinkle reduction agents and reinforcing agents combined approach; one monomer penetration electron beam irradiation polymerization Strengthening Protection Act.
Major achievement Mold recipe cover your painted figurines
It Wuguan Zhang said in a pit has been excavated terracotta figures have seen different levels of mold damage. The growth of mold and the site of metabolite and soil surface, figurines, and painted a chemical reaction caused more serious harm. To this end, the experts started since 1990 terracotta figures of heritage sites and related mold harmful research, and found a variety of effective, broad-spectrum, non-toxic mold inhibitor of the formula, while establishing a micro-site area environmental monitoring system , in the Qinling Horses and mold damage and other kiln sites of Tang Daming Palace Shide control achieved good effect.
Latest Qin terracotta pit began to wind-based test
"Qin terracotta pit excavation, the soil sites as drying shrinkage and the role of unloading force, formed many cracks, for which we started from 1988 sites on the soil reinforcement and the wind of the research." Wuguan Chang explained that one in on the 1st hole with a steel frame, and partial restoration of wood structures, soil diaphragm rod through both sides of folder protection methods such as reinforcement, effectively preventing the collapse of soil sites.
While the terracotta figures of soil physical and chemical indicators of soil sites analyzed systematically, Test Measured at different depths of soil pit figurines, different levels of moisture gradient, water quality, soluble salt content, the chemical composition of the dust. It is reported that, on the figurines pit soil surface wind of material remains of the ongoing trials comparing screening.
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