What Makes A Woman Pretty

In today’s society life’s hardly complete without those final touches of cosmetic and beauty products. More and more men along with the already large number of women are using beauty product extensively. Recent market research says that the use of the number of beauty products have increased considerably. There is a steady rise among the masses in the purchase of beauty products. While this has led to a lot of people talking about vanity and superficiality, it is a completely different issue. The point that remains is that people are buying more and more cosmetics than they did ever before.

While many use cosmetics or beauty products in an attempt to keep themselves healthy looking, most use them for enhancing their looks and making them presentable. It’s just human for all of us to want to look good and feel good about ourselves and that is where cosmetics come in. When we see ourselves in the mirror we don’t want to see patchy skin or puffy eyes or lackluster hair. Everyone wants to be beautiful and that is what we get when we use beauty products or cosmetics.

Whether we like it or not, women today are still judged on the basis of their appearance. It doesn’t matter if they are qualified and intelligent. Women without face paint have become synonymous with being only half a woman. Western culture, which the whole world follows, tells young women that without cosmetics women are incomplete. There shouldn’t be any spots, blemishes or scars on their skin. Women should have the finest possible hair. Dandruff or greasy hair is not at all good. The idea of a perfect woman is one with the best possible body and face. As a result beauty products are sold in large quantities every year incorporating more and more women into the addiction of beauty enhancement products.

Enhancement products have a long history dating back to centuries. Women in the earlier days had very little standing in life. The more the use of lipsticks or powders, the better looking she was deemed. Nothing much has changed in that respect today. While women have much more of a standing in today’s society, she is hardly spared the task of getting all dolled up.

The concept of beauty is very much relative. Different culture promotes beauty in a different fashion and the women are expected to oblige by that. While there is nothing wrong with that, the ting that makes a woman whole is if she uses cosmetics because se wants to and not because of a preconceived nothing of being beautiful.

Anna has been writing articles online for nearly 3 years now. She is specialize in diet, healthcare, fitness and weight loss. You might want to visit DreamDatingSite.com to learn more beauty tips and different brands of cosmetic products.

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