Removing and Preventing Tonsil Stones

If you’re suffering from tonsil stones, you’re not alone. Millions of people have these things growing on their tonsils and just can’t figure out how they got there, or when they will go away.

It’s not unusual for them to appear suddenly, or so it would seem. But if you think about it, you probably have had a slight sore throat for awhile. And maybe just recently you had trouble swallowing or felt like there was something in the back of your throat when you swallowed.

This swallowing problem may have prompted you to get a flashlight and peek into the inside of your mouth to investigate, and that’s when you noticed those small white things hanging onto your tonsils. You probably got a little nervous and started to investigate. And now you know that they are called tonsil stones, or tonsil rocks. This condition is also known as tonsilloliths.

But don’t worry; you can take care of these things yourself most of the time. However, the worst thing you can do is to stick things into the back of your throat in an attempt to dislodge them so you can spit them out. You may be able to get the larger ones this way, but because they are caused by the bacteria in your mouth, if you don’t get them all they will just continue to multiply.

Gargling with salt water or a combination of peroxide and water may help get rid of the tonsil stones if they are just starting to appear and you haven’t experienced them before. You should try immediately so you can stop the bacteria from growing. It’s also helpful to use a tongue scraper after you brush your teeth. You want to get as much bacteria out of your mouth as possible.

Just these small things have helped a lot of people. But if you have a lot of mucus in your system that is constantly going through your tonsils, you may have to make some changes in your diet before you will be able to remove tonsil stones and keep them from coming back.

First, try NOT to drink a lot of milk or eat a lot of dairy products. DO drink a lot of water and brush your teeth after every meal. This helps keep your saliva thinner and less likely to get stuck at the back of your mouth, causing further infection. It’s also reasonable to assume that you don’t want to eat things that tend to get stuck in your teeth anyway, like popcorn! If it’s getting stuck in your teeth, it’s likely that it’ll get stuck on your tonsils also. Especially if they are already infected.

There are a lot of things you can do and change in your daily diet and routine that are not major, but could help you remove tonsil stones and get rid of them forever! Visit

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