When Your Normal Baby Skin Care Routine Doesn’t Work

You need to do more than give your baby a bath if you want to practice proper baby skin care. You need to make sure that all of your baby’s skin stays clean and healthy. This means that you need to take very good care of your son or daughter’s laundry, limit exposure to the sun and treat any potential skin conditions as soon as they develop. An adults skin is far tougher than the skin of a baby. Junior needs his parents to keep a watch out for skin conditions and stop them before they get bad. You will be happy to learn that there is not a lot to keeping your baby’s skin clean. You should be able to put together a quality routine early on in your baby’s life. Use these tips to help you out.

Don’t bother using powder when you change your child’s diaper. Powder is popular because it absorbs moisture and helps your baby stay dry in his diaper.

The problem is that babies are able to inhale the fine dust that occurs when you sprinkle talcum powder on your child and yeast can grow in corn based starches. The best thing to do when you are changing a diaper is to simply wash the baby’s bottom with warm wet cloth and then pat him dry before putting on the new diaper. This will keep diaper rashes and yeast issues from happening and wreaking havoc on your baby’s skin. You want to wash your baby’s clothing, new toys and bedding in gentle detergent that is hypoallergenic. This wash cycle is important because it rids the items of things that might harm or irritate your son or daughter’s skin. This is one of things we continue to do as adults to make sure we protect our skin. Give it some thought: do you wear new clothes before you wash them? No!

Your baby’s umbilical stump is fragile–be careful around it. Don’t toy with it. Make sure that you clean it with rubbing alcohol two or three times a day. Except for this cleaning, don’t touch it. Don’t even give the baby a full bath if the umbilical cord stump is still in place. Your newborn’s diaper should be folded down so that the top of it doesn’t scrape or rub on the umbilical cord. This area is very sensitive and prone to infection so being very careful around it is very important. Ask your pediatrician how to care for the sensitive skin that is left behind after the stump falls off.

There are plenty of ways to properly care for your baby’s skin. It is vital that you remember that caring for your baby’s skin involves more than just regular bathing. Using the right detergent, sunscreen and even making sure that your baby’s skin gets enough fresh air are all important to proper skin care. Don’t worry too much–eventually protecting and caring for your baby’s skin will be second nature. Before you know what has happened all of this will be second nature!

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