Tips That Can Help You In Creating Customized SEO Report

SEO popularly known as search engine optimization helps you in creating visibility of your website among visitors. There are different techniques of doing the work, but to know all these, you need to have extensive knowledge.  You can also hire SEO expert, who can provide various service, against a minimum charge as fee. You can also try to promote your website on your own, by putting relevant content and keyword in the page title. You can also add tags to your content, which provides visibility. Trying out SEO techniques, is not just enough to win the battle, you also need to analyze and understand the change in the performance of your website with the addition of the tricks.

Customized SEO report is the best way of viewing the performance of your website. If you are new and are not familiar, with the process then here are few tips that will help you to create custom report to analyze and improve your search engine visibility.

1.    While preparing Google analytic report, you need to know about few of the basic components that are used while customizing report. The first and the basic component is the metrics, which helps you understand as to how your visitors interact with your site. Another most used component is the dimension; it allows you to organize your metrics.

2.    The first thing that you need to do is to prepare a report that clearly mentions the performance of your keyword, with the help of metrics and dimensions, then you can customize SEO report by clicking on the custom reporting option present in the left hand column of the new report prepared by you.  As soon as you select the option the box expands, now you need to click on manage custom report. Once manage custom report page appears you can click on create new custom report option and save the setting.

3.    The next is naming your report; by naming you can easily identify your report, as different people create report in the same account. To name it click edit option present next to the title field and type the desired name and then click on apply option.

4.    You can add dimensions and metrics to your customized SEO report, by just dragging and dropping the desired dimension in the appropriate place. Once the process is complete Google automatically provides you valid metric pairs. You need to drag and drop them on your report just as done with dimensions.

5.    Click the preview option and satisfy yourself before creating the report. You can also make changes in report and data structure before clicking on the create report option.

Your customized SEO report can be rearranged by adding and deleting metrics and dimensions depending on your requirement. You can also share the link of your report with your client so that he is able to understand your effort s. By playing with different dimension and metrics you will be able to create a report that is best to analyze SEO performance.

You can hire SEO expert, who can provide various service, against a minimum charge as fee. Customized SEO report is the best way of viewing the performance of your website.

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