Milk healthy milk odd big delivery of new music

Dairy milk Church Music opened a new round of investment the curtain, the vast number of retail dealers widely scattered to battle in the region to develop Chengdu area (focus area within the Third Ring Road) at low temperature fresh dairy market.

    With the temperature rising, dairy marketing the upcoming season. Yesterday, Qi Yue Dairy Co., Ltd. Sichuan milk made public information, a series of preferential policies, all booked consecutive month, 1 per set will be presented the company's milk 3 cups of fresh milk, more and more gift set. The company official said, the activity limited to three-loop within the set, Chengdu, milk farmers, the time until the end of April, members of the company will send consumers of milk delivery gift certificates. At the same time, Qi Yue dairy milk has opened a new round of investment the curtain, the vast number of retail dealers widely scattered to battle in the region to develop Chengdu area (focus area within the Third Ring Road) and low-temperature preservation of milk goods market.

    Raise cows with modern equipment

    U.S. high-yield dairy cattle breeding demonstration center is the sole proprietorship?? Dairy Co., Ltd. Sichuan milk Church Music provenance breeding high-yielding dairy demonstration farm, high-quality milk source base. The center HPI China Office, Chengdu and Pi Party and government departments, provincial livestock (farm) animal husbandry bureau, under the support built in by the end of March 2002, in the same year by the end of May cowshed in use, introduced on June 3 U.S. Holstein cows, two cows Shan Juan varieties. The first phase of project completion in mid-August last year, lasted 140 days, high-speed to build up a new modern dairy farm. In the construction process, setting three first, that the speed and quality first, the investment first, by the city Agriculture and Animal Husbandry as a "star Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Park."

    According to reports, the center concentrated cattle farm design wisdom of Chinese and foreign experts, both simple and beautiful, but also scientific and practical. According to Pi regional climate features hot and humid, barn-style design with large span dissipate into the atmosphere keeping and bilateral free-style horizontal bar as one of the steel roof structure. Cow bed rubber mattress, dual-use stadium stadium with precipitation. The barn shed green belt every 10 meters, the production interval of 20-30 meters green belt area, the entire field area looked flat, showing cattle at the tree flowers in the activities, as if an ecological garden-style dairy farms.

    Automatic Identification milk good or bad

    In artificial milking process, milk is difficult to identify how good or bad, or even very likely mixed with milk containing antibiotics. Milk Church music is completely avoid this, the company DeLaval milking equipment produced by the fish-bone milking Apollo Hall, a frequency of 100-200 cows for milking. The device features include, cow identification number, auto massage, automatic milking, automatic off the cup, automatic cleaning, data processing, estrus detection and identification of mastitis, etc., the unified management of data automatically entered into the computer, each ml of milk has a scientific guarantee.

    U.S. high-yield dairy cattle breeding centers of excellence with 20 meters deep well, non-tower water system with electronic programmable, 50 cubic meters per hour water supply, water, minerals Dengjun meet or exceed drinking water standards.

    U.S. high-yield dairy cattle breeding aim is to establish centers of excellence, the establishment of seed sources for the western region demonstration facilities that offer high-quality bull, to carry out embryo transfer services. The center first introduced 61 Holstein cows in the United States, the majority of dairy brands after the United States, they are the descendants of previous U.S. champion dairy cows.

    Milk odd music full advantage of the advantages of the United States owned by "bringing in and sending out" approach, actively introduce international advanced technology, so that milk tastes strange music products, quality, packaging and have reached international level.

    In other countries, milk odd music channels through the broad financing for the company flourish into strong and sustainable financial strength, also regularly invite foreign experts to provide training and guidance to senior, from time to time send people abroad to study, learn, through extensive exchanges, learn about international counterparts in resource-building and development, production, processing and marketing aspects of advanced technology and management methods, experience, rapid and healthy growth of the company inject fresh vitality.

    The company and China Agricultural University, Sichuan Agricultural University, Gansu Agricultural University, Southwest University, Sichuan Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine and other research institutions in the Cow, dairy industry to strengthen close ties and cooperation. At present, Chinese Academy of Sciences and China Agricultural University, Liu Shouren expert Professor Feng Yanglian other eight as the company's consultant. If the cow disease prevention and control adopted a method of combining Chinese and Western, and specifically with the pharmacy and pharmacists in order to integrate the effects of treatment.

    Qi Yue dairy milk cow specially set up technical service centers, on the computer all the cows were on file, on each level of the first cow's milk, milk production, feeding management, disease control and others have documented. Refinement of the cows through the management and technical personnel can better control the growth status of dairy cows, to protect the cows healthy growth, high-quality milk naturally easy.

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