Leading Causes Of Abnormal Weight Loss

Losing weight can be a good thing, but dramatic abnormal weight loss can be something to worry about. How you feel about yourself and the world around you can play a large role in regard to any disorder that you suffer from. Treating any disease, whether physical or mental, begins with a visit to your local doctor so that they can prescribe something to help. What follows are some of the main causes of abnormal weight loss and the ways it’s dealt with.

In many abnormal weight loss cases that are difficult to diagnose, the cause is commonly an infection of some sort or a parasite. It has been found in some cases that worms eat the food in your stomach, taking away all of the nutrients your body needs. Some stupid diets tell you to consume a parasitic worm, which will help you lose weight. This is not a method of weight loss that’s advocated because the parasites are able to cause grave illnesses. Even so, it could be a reason for your unexpected weight loss. The necessary treatment for parasites is most commonly taking medication to kill the parasites off. This is more common in countries where there’s a lack of clean food and water, but it can occur anywhere. It’s not until the more frequent abnormal weight loss causes are ruled out that this cause for abnormal weight loss is discovered. Losing an abnormal amount of weight can also be a direct result of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). All sorts of people contract this illness and not only from drugs and sex. Given the progression in remedies for dealing with AIDS with the past ten years, even though they have not reached a cure, they have indeed prolonged the live span of people with the disease. Weight loss is just one symptom related to the AIDS or HIV virus. Abnormal weight loss can be a sign of the AIDS virus attacking your immune system; in order to affirm your condition, a blood test is in order.

Type 1 diabetes, which is usually diagnosed in young people, can be the cause of abnormal weight loss. Type two diabetes is the one that most people know of, and it usually affects those between the ages of 35 and 70, however it normally makes people put on weight. Glucose is a sugar that the body requires for energy, and people with type 1 diabetes cannot create insulin. The various symptoms brought about by this are a lack of energy, frequent dehydration and weight loss. Even though the people who have this type of diabetes have a good appetite, they just don’t gain any weight. These symptoms can be sorted if the proper treatment of medication and a special diet are sought.

There are many reasons someone might be losing weight. Abnormal weight loss happens when you start losing weight for an unnatural reason, so consulting your doctor is something you should do, should this ever happen. Writing up a list of symptoms you’ve had from abnormal weight loss will help your doctor when he or she tries to determine the cause of the problem. You should only want to lose weight for health reasons.

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