Baby Skin Care Techniques to Help New Parents
Making sure your child’s skin stays clean and healthy takes more than simply bathing and applying lotion once a day. It involves making sure that all of your baby’s skin stays healthy and clean. This means taking special care of baby’s laundry and sun exposure and properly treating any skin conditions that develop. It is important to remember that a baby’s skin is way more sensitive than an adult’s skin. Your daughter (or son) needs you to make sure that she (or he) doesn’t develop skin conditions anywhere on her body. Baby skin care is not very complex–which should be good news for you! In fact, you can probably develop quite a good routine early on. Use these tips to help you out.
During diaper changes skip the powder. Many people use powder because it is supposed to soak up moisture and keep the baby dry inside his diaper.
The reason you want to skip the powder is because it is easy for the babies to inhale it; even heavier powders like corn starch are bad because those can grow yeast. The best thing to do is forego the powders and starches all together and simply wash and dry the baby’s bottom before putting a new diaper on him. Doing this will keep yeast from breeding and diaper rashes from happening. You want to wash your baby’s clothing, new toys and bedding in gentle detergent that is hypoallergenic. This wash cycle is important because it rids the items of things that might harm or irritate your son or daughter’s skin. We do this even as adults because it just makes good sense to do so. Think about it for a second: when was the last time you wore a new shirt without washing it first?
Don’t be too cavalier with your baby’s umbilical cord stump. Don’t pull it, rub it or play with it. Swab some rubbing alcohol on it a few times a day until it falls off. Other than that, leave it alone. Don’t even give the baby a full bath if the umbilical cord stump is still in place. Your newborn’s diaper should be folded down so that the top of it doesn’t scrape or rub on the umbilical cord. The stump is easily infected which is why you want to make sure to keep it extra clean. When the stump falls off the skin under it will need special care so you should talk to your pediatrician about how to care for it.
There are plenty of methods for practicing proper baby skin care. There is more to proper baby skin care than plain baths. Making sure your baby’s skin gets enough fresh air (aka “naked time”), finding the right laundry soap and always using sunscreen are other important factors in proper baby skin care. Caring for and protecting your baby’s skin should be second nature before too long. Before too long it will feel like second nature to you!
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