Focus on the Poor

“Life Times Living” was a world famous film directed by Zhang Yimou, who was one of the most popular directors in China and even in the world, in 1993. This film was based on a documentary fiction, which reflected the poor reality in China. The story used black humor to tell a sad story. And this became the most popular Chinese film around the world. Recently, Zhang Yimou donated his Ed Hardy clothing to the homonymic column to take part in their one-year-old celebration and help the poor at the same time.

Although many years have past, the influence of this film and the novel is still very significant. So in 2010, “Life Time Living”, a homonymic original documentary picture story column was born. It was the first column on Chinese web portal of this kind. This year, it was one-year-old and held a series of activities to reflect the hardest working people before Children’s Day. It held a photography exhibit and used the money came from the exhibit to help the poor.

Zhang Yimou paid attention to this column and knew these activities. So he auctioned one of his Ed Hardy clothing and donated the money to the poor. He said that the gulf between the poor and the rich was still very vast in China. He said although he was not that rich, he could wear Ed Hardy clothing and watch while many poor people even could not afford of clothing. Also, Gong Li, who was the protagonist of the film, claimed that she would auction her most expensive limited edition Ed Hardy outlet and donate the money to the poor as well. She had played many poor roles and knew the difficulty of the poor. She said she wanted to do something for them as she could. She also called for others who were capable of helping the poor to do something for them. She took part in this activity not only donated things but also used her prestige and reputation to attract more donation. She was very honored and happy to do so.

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