Facts about Air Conditioner and Thermostat Settings
An air conditioning system is designed to automatically remove unwanted heat from your home. By understanding some basics, you can help your system perform more efficiently.
Setting your thermostat to the highest comfortable temperature setting reduce energy cost. For every degree you raise the setting, you reduce cooling costs 3 to 5 percent.
Some people believe that turning the system off when they leave their house and turning it back on when they return is going to save them money. This is a myth. When you do this the relative humidity in the house becomes too high and your air conditioner will work much harder to remove the excess moisture. In addition, the temperature will not drop very much for the next few hours because the air conditioner will be removing moisture before it can start removing heat. Close the shades and drapes on the sunny side of the home to keep out the sun’s heat.
If you have an over sized system you will see the temperature drop quickly but there won’t be enough time to remove the necessary moisture, resulting in an uncomfortable environment.
The key to a comfortable home is to keep your system on all day. Before leaving your home, you can set your thermostat about five degrees above the desired temperature you’d like your home to be. Then when you return, put the thermostat to the temperature you like and your system will reach the desired temperature without much effort. This will keep your home comfortable, save energy, and extend the life of your system.
If you don’t have a programmable thermostat, consider installing one or having a comfort professional installing one for you. A programmable thermostat, when set properly, ensures comfort and efficient operation of your system.
Wendell Depaiva is the owner of this site and writes articles for his own site. For further detailsAir Conditioning Repair and Furnace Repair please visit the site