Windows 7 Configuration Exam 70-680a

Prepare for certification in and learn everything you need to pass the. This course will help you assess your skills and maximize your performance on the 70-680 exam in the following areas: Installation, deployment, and upgrading to Windows 7. Also covered is the configuration of pre-installation and post-installation system settings, network connectivity, Windows security features, applications included with Windows 7, and mobile computing. The course includes online practice exams, designed to enhance studying for exam 70-680.

Before attending this course, students should have:
Experience installing PC hardware and devices.
Basic understanding of TCP/IP and networking concepts.
Basic Windows and Active Directory knowledge.
The skills to map network file shares.
Experience working from a command prompt.
Basic knowledge of the fundamentals of applications. For example, how client computer applications communicate with the server.
Basic understanding of security concepts such as mcse exam authentication and authorization.
An understanding of fundamental principles of using printers.

To attain a certification is a difficult task, whenever and wherever they occur.
What is a certification? And why we get certification? And which is the best institute or vendor for certification?
These are the questions that mostly persons ask, and they find its reason. Now I tell you about networking certification conducted by Microsoft named as (Microsoft Certified IT Professional). To attain this certification first you take the MCTS (Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist) examination. And for this you take the Microsoft Exam 70-680. These exams have the intention of creating specific technology specialization in this field such as Windows 7, Configuring Windows 7, Pre-installing for OEMs, etc. This certification tests an individual’s capability and knowledge in the specified field.
To become a MCITP first you need a superior and broad knowledge in this field with one year of practical experience. Second you require MCTS(MCTS windows 7)Certification. You can say that MCTS is the first step and also acts as a ladder for obtaining MCITP.
There are a number of websites offering practice tests for Exam 70-680 having a lot of material and question papers. This website is especially for Certifications. What is the type or format of 70-680? How is the exam structured?
Now I tell you about the paper model of 70-680(70-680 test questions). To take the exam 70-680 you must fulfill the following criteria:
Candidate should have minimum one year experience in IT field.
It must have mcitp boot camp experience in implementation and administration of Windows Operating System in a networking environment.

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