Car Accident Cases Usually Require Personal Injury Lawyer
Over 6 million car accidents happen every year based on the statistics shown by the US Department of Transportation. If the accident only brought about a dent in the car, then the insurance company can handle this. But according to that accident statistics, every 14 seconds, a related injury will happen and that someone will die every 12 minutes.
When a death or serious injury occurs, the possibility for problems and litigation go up dramatically. Contacting a personal injury lawyer is not the first things that some drivers would do when they meet an accident. If this happens, immediately get the name, address and insurance information of the people involved in the scene. Call the police to make a report about it. Once the police have arrived and you have made your statement about the mishap, then that’s the only time you may leave.
When injuries are involved in the accident, there are additional steps for you to take. Having yourself checked by a physician is the first thing that you have to do. You won’t need a lawyer if the bruises and wounds that you obtained would heal quickly.
On the other hand, if your injuries proved to be serious which need a long-term treatment, the accident report will cover your medical records for this particular incident. You would have a much more difficult time proving that your injuries are obtained from the accident if you don’t treat your wounds at once. Getting a personal injury lawyer is needed if the injuries happen to be as whiplash, broken bones, paralysis, or death.
Once an injury claim is filed, the insurance company will not be that eager to help you settle your claim. In reality, these companies will not make it a point to let you receive what you deserve to. What the insurance adjuster does is that he or she minimizes your claim to be able to maximize what their company could make. As much as possible, do not deal with the company on your own because you might say things that can reduce the value of your claim. It is usual for the company to face people like you ever day.
Hiring a personal injury lawyer would help you receive the right value of your claim and protect your rights as well. He or she knows how the laws apply to your case and will use those laws to help you collect the money you are entitled to receive for your injury. Personal injury lawyers typically work on a contingency basis which means that the lawyer only gets paid a fee if and when he gets money for you. Either way, you still have to pay the lawyer even if he wasn’t able to get money for you. A lawyer still has an incentive either way because he or she will be receiving a certain amount once you win the case.
Based on statistics, car accidents are the main reason for the high outcome in injuries. But if you know what to do and who to call during instances like these, then somehow, you would calm down. Not only your rights will be protected, but you will be given a chance to receive the right amount of compensation once you hire a personal injury lawyer.
More information on the topic of lawyers is located at personal injury lawyers melbourne.Visit our site on melbourne compensation lawyers for more resources on lawyers.