Maximize Health: Buy Omega 3 Capsules
Omega 3 has come to our attention lately as it has been found that the North American diet is, by design, lacking in this essential fatty acid. There are a wide variety of health problems that have been found to be linked to a deficiency in omega 3 including acne, fatigue, heart disease, and kidney disease. As a result there are numerous choices to be made when searching for a supplement and several things to remember to make your choice and buy omega 3 capsules.
The foremost thing to remember is that omega 3 is a fragile compound that will become rancid when exposed to heat or light. This also causes the molecule to become ineffective. It is for this reason that many producers have refined their production processes as to best protect the molecules from damage. This may involve using a cold-pressing process. It’s a good idea to take note of the production process by each producer and choose the one that makes the best quality guarantee.
There are also several different sources of omega 3 available. The most popular is made primarily from fish oil. The others include such ingredients as flax seed oil or seal oil. The flax seed oil is the best choice if you have concern over the mercury content of the oil that is extracted from sea creatures. If you choose flax seed, be sure to get a cold pressed version that is contained in a dark bottle and keep it in the refrigerator after it is opened.
Mercury content in fish oils have been a concern that has been getting some media attention. More than 95% of the capsules on the market, however, have less than the maximum allowable mercury content as deemed by the Food and Drug Administration. The ones that have too much were all made in China and only contain slightly more than the recommended amount.
Another point to remember is to try to get a capsule that is free of omega 6. Omega 6 is already in abundance in the typical North American diet and since it should ideally be in balance with omega 3, taking a supplement with both will not help.
Foods have been recently released that have been enhanced with omega 3 including things like margarine, eggs, and cereal bars. The amounts contained in these foods however are trace and not nearly enough to reach the recommended daily intake. These foods are also often fried before eating and the frying process degrades the omega 3 rendering it ineffective.
Omega 3 supplements are therefore a great addition to your daily routine in order to attain maximum health. Natural sourced nutrients in food are always preferred but the nature of our culture makes this very close to impossible.
For anyone looking for fish oil and the new omega 3 skin benefits, you should read what we have for you. You should buy omega 3 capsules. We have many in our store and you’re only a click away from being there.
I’ve read that fish oil has now passed multivitamins as the number one selling supplement in health food stores.