Exempt Yourself from Government Expenses with a Long Term Care Plan
If your monthly income is way higher than $650, say over $1,000 or $2,000 and you’re confident that you have more than $100,000 in your savings account, get a long term care plan than risk your future to an indefinite health program.
As the government continues its undertakings for health care reform via new health statutes churned out faster than the expected intervals, the wiser aging folks are taking upon their shoulders the responsibility of planning ahead to ensure their health and custodial care needs will be completely covered someday.
While it is good to know that the government is continuously finding ways to trim down the expenses of federal funded health programs such as Medicaid, escalating reports that the number of doctors refusing to treat Medicaid patients are causing worry to the public. News has it that many of these physicians are claiming they are offering more than what Medicaid is paying them.
Medicaid practically covers the needs of an estimated 50 million Americans, so if you want to join the bandwagon it’s your choice. There’s a better option though and that would be having your own long term care plan.
If you’re in your mid 40s or early 50s, this is the best time to window-shop for the best LTCI products offered by various insurance firms. There’s less pressure and what’s more, your chances of clinching the ideal LTCI quote are very high.
If you have an LTC insurance agent, he can help you shop for the best deal in the market. There is no uniform LTCI policies that is why it is important for you to identify your budget and what you want to be stipulated in your policy such as the maximum coverage and amount of your maximum benefit. Besides, your body composition is basically different from others so it’s not always advisable to sell to you what has been sold to another policyholder.
If you’re younger and healthier, you will no doubt be able to get a policy that is much lower in premium. Insurance companies don’t usually issue LTCI policies to individuals manifesting symptoms of a certain type of illness; if ever they do it will be in exchange for higher annual premiums.
Aside from the fact that you can secure an LTCI policy with a lower annual premium, there are many other factors that play up the importance of buying an insurance policy early on in life.
Importance of a Long Term Care Plan
The cost of LTC is constantly the subject of discussion. If you want to be spared from the foreboded increase in the rates of LTC facilities, you’ll be doing yourself a favor if you would invest in an LTCI policy that will cover 100% or at least 75% of your LTC expenses.
Even monitoring the rates of assisted living facilities, nursing homes and home care in your area every quarter won’t do you any good because the industry experts have predicted LTC rates will increase by twofold in 15 years and will quadruple in 2030.
Those below 61 years old can avail the 5% automatic inflation protection so that in just 15 years their policy’s maximum benefit will double. If you wait till your 70 before buying an LTCI policy, the insurance firm will only allow you to have the simple inflation protection of 5% then it will take 20 years before you can see your maximum benefit double.