Best Shrinking Software to Copy and Save a Mo.vie DVD

DVD Shrink is software that allows you to backup DVD disks. You can create this software in combination with DVD burning software of your preference to produce a backup of a DVD video. DVD Shrink does not burn the DVD. The output from DVD Shrink has the files on your hard drive further if you wish to burn them you can use a DVDR burning software, embedded software lets you burn your DVDR disc. Now the question arises that why we need to DVD Shrink? Most DVD titles are designed to prevent copying. The most preferred alternative is and preventative measure is encryption.
Most DVD titles are encrypted, which prevents you from either copying them to disk, or if the files are copied you are unable to play the resulting files. DVD Shrink has the ability to overcome this problem with built-in decryption algorithms. Secondly since most of the DVD video titles are merely too big to fit without modification to a single recordable DVDR disc, DVD Shrink conquers this problem by modifying or narrowing of the data from your original DVD.
Fundamentally DVD Shrink provides two ways of shrinking your DVD disk; one is re-authoring and second is re-encoding. You can select any one for maximum shrinkage.
DVD Shrink is a versatile tool, which easily allows having a DVD copy of your own DVD without performing any illegal action. As against this burning a DVD that is not yours is considered illegal.
Now that DVDs are a lot more in style than VHS tapes, nearly all mo.vies are by means of this format. Nevertheless, there is a specific disadvantage to this is that these DVDs can get spoiled or scratched up very easily. After such damage they are useless, so it is considered a good idea to copy them. You do not get a replacement of such DVDs from the manufacturer so instead of bearing the damages and buying a new DVD you can copy them and shrink them for further usage.
If you are looking for a way in which you can backup your DVD discs, then the best tool is the DVD Shrink software. This software can essentially be utilized in conjunction with whatever DVD burning software you choose to use. Simultaneously with these 2 programs you will be able to create a backup copy of any DVD you own.
The latest version of Original DVD Shrink software is This software also works on Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP too.
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