The world's energy system is facing the challenge of global warming

International Energy Agency recently released "World Energy Outlook 2008" Chinese summary noted that the current world energy system is facing to achieve the low carbon, efficient, environmentally friendly energy supply system is rapidly changing. The success of this problem will determine the future prosperity of human society or not, we can say now is a much-needed energy revolution.

    International Energy Agency believes that the current global energy supply and consumption trends, from the environmental, economic and social point of view is clearly not sustainable. Forecast end of this century, the growth of greenhouse gas emissions, will make the gas concentration in the atmosphere doubled, which will ultimately lead to the global average temperature increase of 6 ?.

    The report pointed out that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions are growing. Global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions from 280 million tons in 2006 to 41 billion tons in 2030, an increase of 45%. Even assuming that prices and slightly higher growth rate of world GDP is expected emissions in 2030 than last year's "Outlook" in the forecast low one billion tons. So as soon as possible to take strong measures to combat the trend of emergency.

    International Energy Agency pointed out that to prevent catastrophic global climate and irreversible damage, the ultimate need is for energy sources to carbon. To ensure global energy supplies, accelerate the transition to low-carbon energy system, state and local governments need to take strong measures, and through participation in international coordination mechanism to achieve. Energy suppliers in low-carbon technologies to the development and commercialization of investment, this same time, families, businesses and people driving cars, have to change the way they use energy.

    International Energy Agency believes that to achieve this, the Government must introduce appropriate fiscal incentives and a regulatory framework to support energy security and climate comprehensive policy objectives. 2007 20 non-OECD countries, the world's largest energy subsidies cost as much as staggering 310 billion U.S. dollars. Removal of energy consumption subsidy, can curb energy demand and emissions growth to make a significant contribution.

    IEA expects 2030 world energy system will be changed, but not necessarily the way we think there is. All producing countries and consuming countries in the context of national government power to take action individually or jointly, pushing the world toward a cleaner, more intelligent and more competitive energy system. Of time, now is the best time of action.

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