See wind power equipment stone hills? India Wind Power Equipment

History India Wind Energy Industry's prosperity is mainly due to policy support, fiscal incentives, technological innovation, social environment and infrastructure to keep up with and other factors. Based on this, India's wind energy industry to seize the development opportunity, go ahead, grab a certain market. However, the strength of its technology is not completely strong, "Internal Force" is not strong, this is reality. The face of India's success and lack of wind, a lot of things that the Chinese in the "used" up the basis of reference. China can achieve global leader in the field of hydroelectric power, therefore every reason to believe, as long as the strengthening R & D, supported by favorable development environment, after the hair also on the people.

From the history, government policies to the Indian wind power development has brought the two peaks.

Indian government has actively supported the development of wind power. Government efforts to arouse a people of India are used to wind power resources as a major awareness. 80 years from the last century, the Indian government sixth, seventh five-year plan the two countries have started wind power projects; to the mid-90s, the annual installation of wind turbines reached the first peak in the eighth Five-Year Plan period, the new unit installed more than twice the original plan more than 500MW; in the years after 1997, due to a number of amendments to the policy, the market also have to be adjusted; However, in the past few years, India's installed capacity of wind power volume is to achieve a second peak of 2005 alone, the new installed capacity reached 1430MW, a record high. India's wind power policy

start early, offer more. 90's, thanks to a variety of tax incentives, attractive product back Pin Preferential prices and some loans, the Indian market has been developing rapidly. India provides: wind power project installed in the first year, allowing 100% by wind power equipment depreciation, and the first five-year electricity sales tax exemption; different tariffs to encourage imports of components rather than complete fan blower; for fans create the necessary dedicated Bearing , Gear Boxes, spare parts and yaw Sensor , And leaf production of the necessary components and raw materials duty free; on for the fans create the necessary Hydraulic pressure Brake parts, universal coupling, brake clamp, blower control and leaves, reduction of tariffs; create the necessary parts for generators, exempt from consumption tax; based on industrial conditions in some states to give subsidies subsidies; through interstate Electricity Commission to favorable prices for electricity back-up. Beginning of this century, even the government level on wind energy development, drew up the roadmap.

Currently, developing countries, India's manufacturing capacity in terms of fans or in the total installed capacity of wind power is a leader. The end of 2003, India's total installed capacity of wind power is 2120MW, which in 2003 added 423MW. In 2003, Suzlon is India's largest supplier, holds 34.6% market share in India, accounting for 2.1% of global market share. Suzlon already has some fans and parts of the localization of manufacturing capacity, and has been exported to the United States, Europe and some other developing countries. NEGMicon also active in the Indian market, market share in 2003 was 29.8%, Germany's Enercon in India's market share 23.6%, Vestas 8.3%. India, another young fan manufacturer NEPC in 2003, holds 2.8% market share.

Suzlon 10 years ago from the textile industry turned to wind power. In the past 5 years, Suzlon has always belonged to the former top ten wind power equipment manufacturers. Other investors include the two major U.S. investment fund CityGroup and Chryscapital, each company Suzlon has invested 25 million U.S. dollars. Suzlon has recently established an international headquarters in Denmark, Aarhus, Denmark, strategic choice, because Denmark is a wind energy technology and the many parts suppliers network base. Suzlon is also India, Australia, China and the United States has established sales offices in Germany, the Netherlands and established a research and development center in India.

Largest supplier of blade products LM glass fiber plant in Bangalore, India produced its large fan blades, these blades are sold to Asian fan manufacturer. In 2004, NEGMicon in Chennai and Pondicherry expanded production facilities to produce large fan, has invested 5.5 million U.S. dollars for upgrading plant and equipment, plans for the Indian market and exports to Asia as a whole.

The past 10 years, wind energy utilization in India has made remarkable achievements, the growth of wind power generation is very significant. In the "Eighth Five-Year Plan" at the beginning, India's only 40 megawatts of wind generating capacity, the "Eighth Five-Year Plan" to end up to 900 MW, increasing the amount of 860 MW of wind power. Far exceeded the initial expectations of 100 MW wind power target, and later revised target of 500 MW, which is a major achievement.

In the "Ninth Five-Year Plan" the first two years, India added 100 megawatts of wind generating capacity. As early as the end of 1998, India's wind power installed capacity has reached 991.98 MW. At present, India's wind power capacity in the world, following the Denmark, the United States and Germany ranked fourth.

India has formed a certain scale wind turbine production base, the most advanced, modern and international advanced level of wind turbines in India manufacturing and installation. Indian wind turbine manufacturer on deepening the understanding of wind power generation, and accumulated a great deal of experience.

Indian wind power equipment in the unit to the private sector dominated. Around the country, 15 private wind turbine manufacturers, including foreign companies to establish branch offices in India and joint ventures. In addition to these enterprises engaged in system design and production of hybrid systems and parts, but also create wind turbine and tower-run. India's wind turbine production capacity of the country has reached annual production of 500 megawatts. The design of each device generation capacity from the initial 55 kW ~ 100 kW to the present 400 kW ~ 600 kW. These products are from the designated international test organization was the product type classification certification. "Eighth Five-Year Plan" period, India's wind power industry has an annual turnover of about 430 million U.S. dollars. And has Germany, Portugal, Australia and the Netherlands to the product.

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