The ISO9001 Regular Quality Manual Template
I am typically asked about top quality manuals and what they need to have. The ISO9001 Regular states that the quality manual should have as a minimal:
- The scope of the quality management system, such as facts of and justification for any exclusions
- The documented methods established for the quality management method, or reference to them:
- Document management
- Manage of information
- Internal Audit
- Manage of non-conforming products
- Corrective Action
- Preventive Action.
- A description of the interaction among processes of the top quality management method.
This meets the specifications of ISO 9001 but would have small advantage to the company. It would get the badge on the wall but minor else.
I was once asked to create a quality manual on a single sheet, and I did so, though it was A3 on two sides. The firm took my suggestions and produced a range of operate processes to back this up.
The largest quality manual I actually saw was in seventeen lever arch files and was so complete that it even integrated instruction on how to make tea. It was in no way used as a critical document and was virtually difficult to maintain up to date. It was also so specific that it set the consumer up to fall short if he utilized his left hand fairly than his proper.
Thankfully we no lengthier produce documentation by fat.
A present day manual contains the obligatory scope, six processes, a description of the interaction of the processes, a number of work processes and an index of existing kinds. This along with data would not only meet the specifications of 9001 but would also be a important device for the organization.
My view is that the manual really should be as extensive as needed but not overly complex. It need to be suited for the organization and not imposed by a consultant. It need to be developed to be utilized and not just stored for use for the duration of assessment. And ultimately it need to work for the firm and not make the organization work for it.